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"Lala? Can you tell me a story?" My god-daughter asked while she tug the hem of my shirt.

I smiled. How cute... so cute.

"Hmmm? Sure. Come here, sweetie." I pulled her gently as I sat on the bench then I made her sat beside me.

I am her baby-sitter for the day. Well, for a couple of days, now, actually.

I honestly don't know what story to tell since she's been asking me non-stop for a story and I've already told her all the fairy tales I know.

I pursed my lips and thought for awhile. Thinking for a good impromptu story plot... Suddenly, a memory flashed back in my mind.

Hmm, she probably won't understand this one.

I inhaled sharply and slowly breathed out before smiling at her.

"So..." I started off. My heart's beating fast and I gulped hardly before proceeding to my story.

"This story is about a not-so-religious girl... Let's call her Lisa. Uhmm—... L-lisa had a crush on a girl who's 7 years ahead of her. It started off innocent, she didn't really mind it because she wasn't aware at the time, too. She's so young, she doesn't know about... Love... But then, all of the sudden, she found herself praying for the girl. Lisa believed in God, of course she does. But her faith wasn't as strong. She believes that God exist yet, still doubts it. Reason? Her family... Her parents— they parted ways. Her parents did not only broke each other's heart but also hers—..."

I paused and glanced at her, it seems like she's curious, too. Well, she's 11, of course she will be. I don't know if she'd understand the next part. I also don't know how to put it into more child-friendly wordings so I thought for awhile. Sigh.

"During the time— a guy who she trust did something bad to her. He did something without her consent—"

"What did he do?" My god-daughter intervened.

I felt myself tearing up but I suck it in along with the lump that's building inside my throat.

"The guy, he... Violated her, and took away something really important to her. Her innocence. Her dignity. Her purity. Her childhood. Her... identity." I paused.

Her eyes mirrored confusion. I smiled. She's too young to know the cruelty of the world.

"Those were the reason why she doubted religion. Her faith was thin... She asked, "Why would God hurt me? I'm still a kid". She does pray but only when it's convenient. There's this one night that she did pray... but the prayer is about the girl she had crush on!"

"What was her crush's name?"

"Uhhhh... Jini?" I answered unsure. Damn so stupid.

"Oh! Sounds like my Mama's name! Mama Jennie!" She blurted and I smiled guiltily.

"Y-yeah! What a coincidence! Anyways! She prayed for Jini. It was... sincere prayer. She prayed for her health, and her happiness. Now, at this time Lisa started noticing everything. She thought, "Wow, I like Jini! Like, a lot!". And it's been 5 years since her feelings blossomed. That night, she started praying for Jini often... And everytime she does, she slowly wished to be part of Jini's life. A year later, she never failed to pray for her, one day there was Traslación (Transfer or Translation, it includes an annual procession that re-enacts transferal of image of Holy people [Correct me if I'm wrong], in this case, Saint James The Greater)... Lisa— though she prayed for the girl always, that day when she prayed for her, her heart was so sincere. So sincere that every word of her prayer could pierce through your soul."

I paused and breathed.

"7 whole years... She waited for Jini. She swore to God that she will treat Jini as a blessing. She swore she'd always be thankful to have her. She gave her heart for God to cut open and see that she will treat her like a gift from God that she is..."

"Did God grant Lisa her prayer?" This little peanut asked.

I smiled. "God did. Isn't he so great? Even after witnessing Lisa's thin faith and belief on him, he still gave Lisa her wish... And of course she stuck to her words. She treated Jini as if she is the only person that has ever mattered. She showed her what love is. And Jini... oh, Jini strengthened her faith to God. It was a nice love if you'd ask. She'd wrote her a letter for a whole month as a birthday present for Jini. She'd make hand made flowers as a random gift for a random day. She'd be extra for her every day. 5 years, and still she view the everyday life with Jini as day 1... In that way, she'd always feel excited of waking up, eating meals, conversations, dates, going home. She was always excited for her... It made her happy. She thought, "If God gave me you as a gift, as a blessing. He could surely take you away from, too. I don't know when, so, I will try to make every hour worth it". Sigh... Unfortunately, God did." I told and felt the cold afternoon breeze caressing my skin as if it is comforting my soul.

"**GASP** WHAT?" I chuckled.

"But! Lisa was happy!!"


"Because, Jini found the rightest person. Much better than Lisa. And that person gave Jini her most ultimate wish."

"What is it?!!"

"A family. A baby girl." I look at her lovingly.

God, you're so great. You know this world needs more of her so you made her just like her mother.

Sweet, kind, humble and just... perfect.

"How about Lisa? What happened to her?!"

I shrug. What happened to her? Hmmmm...

"Well, she's still waiting. Even after having her one and only chance with Jini, she still waits for her. Hoping that maybe God would allow it again. For another... **ahemm** short time."


"Baby!" A soothing voice called that made both of me and my god-daughter snap our head towards the direction.

"Mama!!!" Little peanut jumped from beside me and took off to hug her mom who she haven't seen for almost a day now.

"How are you guys?" Her mother asked Little Peanut while I stare at her straight to her eyes.

Her never fading unique beauty. With her very loving eyes.

As Little Peanut talk about her day and her mom looking at her tenderly, a hand wrapped both of them which snapped me back to my senses.

"My Queen and My Little Princess!" The guy said and kissed both of them on each forehead.

I smiled.

Although, after years of waiting.

I am still waiting for you, Jennie.

"And! Lala told me a story!!!" Little Peanut said in enthusiasm which had her parents smiling.

"Really? What about?" Her mom asked.

"It's about a girl who's name is Lisa that waited for Jini for so long! Even Jini have family Lisa is still waiting for her!" Peanut said which had her parents looking at me.

Jennie's eyes mirrored a glint of mixed emotions while her husband looked at me with his brows raised.

"Just a fiction." I shrug then winked at Taehyung.

Little Peanut still don't know my name. And I can't definitely introduce myself to her now.

Jennie showed me a look of sympathy.

She knows it isn't just a fictional story.

did not proofread



PEREGRINATE -jenlisa (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now