even after 40 days

16 1 1

4 May 1998
a happy , healthy , 2.88 kg baby girl was born on her older sister's birthday , Amanda .
she was like any other baby you could ever think of . she as like the others . she came out of a normal birth . everything was fine

9 June 1998
she then stopped breathing and laid there paralysed . the only family member who was home was her father . he rushed to her . as soon as he saw her , she didn't know what to do . he started pacing back and forth . he was panicking . he didn't have money to send her to the hospital .
he then went back to her and rubbed her belly and cried "oh , shasha ." he realised that she started moving and he thought fast and said "shasha , breathe ." and he started to inhale deeply . she tried breathing . she followed the sound of how inhaling deeply sound like . "shasha , breathe" , her father said again . she eventually began to breathe

2000 - 2004
reading was a struggle . she would always get mixed up with the letter b and d .

every morning , her mom would send her to a nursery nearby their house , she was the child who didn't play with the others but would be near the shelves when the children placed their bags and she would sit and stay there till it was either time for lunch or nap time . he whole entire time , she would imagine or daydream and she would be in the own world . she didn't mind doing that every weekday . she actually enjoyed it . she would be the always be the last to be picked up .

at home , she could continue playing and drawing by herself . that made her happy . that's the only way she could express herself and drew whatever she felt . she sees things and people don't see . her parents reckon that it's just her imagination .

she was in granny's house and all her cousins were there . amanda would always playing with the others while shasha would prefer sitting next to her parents in the dining room . she didn't say a word . people would come talk to her but she will only give short answers and they would walk away .

she would have frequent visits to the hospital . it was so frequent that the people there knew about her .

her father then had a contract to work in the England and so they moved there ..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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