An UnWanted Guest

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So life right now, Kinda ok. You were an artist who works from home and is a background designer for *insert a random anime/cartoon show* was it the job you wanted? Yes. Did you like it? Meh kinda. You also lived out of the city in the woods because it helped you get a better idea for your art and was just more relaxing in your opinion.

Anyways, you were drawing the background for a mystical forest scene for the characters to be in. It was fun for you, and relaxing when you really thought about it. As you just finished up you heard a door slightly creak open. This didn't really alarm you because you just didn't care for some reason. Most likely because you were very tired, so you just let the person or thing walk around you house to do what ever it needed to do rather that be stealing or rummaging through your fridge. You got out of your chair telling yourself that you needed to know who or what was in your house for whatever reason.

As you approached your kitchen you peaked round the corner to see something looking through your fridge. It looked like that legend of that monkey, what was his name? Monkey king? It didn't really appeal to you since you kinda hated him and for he was just selfish. You then felt your stomach and realised you were actually hungry so you walked towards the cabinet were you kept your favourite *insert favourite chocolate or sweets here* not making any kind of eye contact with the intruder right next to you. That was until you heard him.

"Hey, what's with you?"

He asked like he knew you or something which he didn't.

"Tired, hungry. Do you need something?"

You asked turning to face him only to realise he was only a few inches away from your face which made you step back slightly so there was a tad more distance from the both of you. You realised that he really did look like monkey king. Expect you know who he was. Macaque. From what you remember, you used to do research on him as you were fascinated from his story and his relationship with Sun Wukong.

"Maybe some blankets would be nice, might just chill here for a bit since you don't seem to care"

He replied while smirking, well you thought he was smiling hard to tell with only the hallway light on.

"Mhm... you can go to the couch I'll get you some blankets.. do you need anything else?"

You asked again just to make sure. You didn't wanna die to an emo monkey so giving him what he wants could just spare your life.

"Nah, you seem tired as it is."

As he walked off into the darkness of the living room. Once he had gone into the shadows you went to your bedroom to find a blanket and a pillow, as you took the pillow something fell near your feet. You picked it up to realise it was a macaque plush your mum had bought you for your 10th birthday, you didn't know how or where she got it but you were also happy to see it, but now it just feels weird as he's actually in your house now. If he finds this you'll probably never see the light of day again. You pushed the thought aside as you placed the macaque plushie under your own pillow and left to go to the living room.

Once you had turned the light on you found macaque sitting on the couch browsing Netflix, It's almost like he's lived here for years you thought to yourself as you made your way around to sit next to him.

"Took you long enough, thought you were just gonna leave me cold."

He complained even though that grin on his face never seemed to falter.

"Sorry..but here.."

You gave him the blanket and pillow and stood up and were about to leave until you felt something grab your wrist. You looked down to see a tail firmly wrapped around your wrist before looking up towards macaque.

"Look I just wanna say thanks, that's it."

He said his grin becoming somewhat softer, but you just smiled more softly at him as he let go of your wrist. You bowed slightly and left to go lay in bed.

As you put your head on the pillow you reached underneath to find the macaque plush still there, you looked at it before putting it in your nightstands drawer. And falling off to sleep, with a strange looking shadow sitting next to you..just...staring..

Hope you enjoyed this 1st chapter lol

Word count: 792

Macaque x M! Tired artist ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now