A nice moment?

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Hahahah you thought I was done with this? Nahhhh :)

Silent. Was all it was right now though you soon woke up and it was slightly warm. You turned around to see...macaque? No. Surely not. It looked like macaque..but it was more shadowey (I know that's not a word but I don't know what else to call it rn). It was attached to you almost like a koala, with its head buried into your neck.

Any normal person would of pushed him off or screamed or anything like that. But you didn't, it felt like you could move or just didn't want to. You felt almost safe in his arms (kinda) so you just laid there.

Time had past, it felt liked hours but it was only a couple of minutes before you heard a groan from the shadow macaque (which is a clone if you haven't guessed :/) , it just stared at you. Before speaking.

"Morning dewdrop..how'd you sleep?"

"You're not macaque are you?"

"Kinda. I'm a clone but I do have my own free will though I mostly listen to him."

Well that answered your question. Out of like hundreds but you didn't have the energy to ask so you just kept laying there without saying a word.

Soon you heard the door creak open and turned around to see the real macaque holding a cup of water. As you turned around the shadow was gone. And you sat up and leaned on the wall (or what ever the bed thing is called) and looked back over to see macaque sitting next to you.

"Here. You seem tired and kinda sweaty it looks kinda gross to be honest so here's some water."

As he handed you a glass of water which you drank carefully trying not to down it in one go.

"Thanks macaque, but..why the clone?"

He stiffened at those words, unsure on what to say.

"He was meant to make sure you wouldn't do anything stupid like you would sometimes do. Like staying up all night to finish some dumb little art project."

Kinda mean but okay then. You finished your water and slowly cupped macaques left cheek with you hand.

"I really mean when I say thank you. It means a lot macaque."

There was that little spark inside him again. It was soft but at the same time made him feel weird like a twisting feeling inside his stomach. He hated it but couldn't get enough of it at the same time. Soon your hand dropped down as you put your cup onto the nightstand.

"I don't have anything planned today so we can just stay in here if you want. It's kinda fun spending time with you here."

He stared at you for a second before doing his signature smile fangs and all.



Note: I wonder what they will do *hint hint nudge nudge* it should be something related to a certain thing in this book if that's a big enough hint :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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Macaque x M! Tired artist ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now