Snoop :/

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I'm guessing you're wondering who that figure was. Well Im guessing you already know. Man said we wanted to stay and sleep and he just decides to snoop around. A$$. Also if they aren't using "" that means they are thinking.

Macaques POV:
He really doesn't have a care in the world does he? I mean. I wasn't exactly quiet when coming into his room. Or maybe he's  just that tired. Who knows? But might as well take a looksie around here. See if there's anything I can take.

There's a lot of photos in there drawers. Especially of all the murals that he has shown to the world.. Huh?... oh I see.. hm never knew I had a fan (didn't find the plush somehow tho) , seems like sleepy done his research. Of course not all true, he will always try to tweak the story to make him the hero.

No one's POV:
You had woken up to the sound of the drawer closing, soon you had reached around to find the light switch for your lamp. Only to feel something more...fluffy? You were puzzled at first. But macaque seemed more than shocked. Almost frozen (HAH damn demon is frozen at a simple touch that doesn't seem to harm him.) . Soon your held the (not to your knowledge) the demons hand. Thinking maybe you're dreaming or something, and start to rub your thumb softly into his palm. Macaques still frozen. Unable to do anything despite trying and just watches you, almost feeling content with the situation.

Soon enough you look up only to see two golden eyes staring at your hand and their own. Your eyes slightly widen and you pull back, seeing that he had almost made a pout when you done so.

"Snapped out of your little trance there?"

You just simply nodded, And asked.

"Aren't you tired? Maybe you should go to sleep, instead of snooping around."

As you laid your head back down to rest. Macaque had taken your advice and had left your room to go sleep back on the couch.

Macaques POV:
Such a weird human. Maybe I could stay around for a bit longer to find out what makes them tick. Would be interesting.

Hah this took ages lmao also don't expect anything over than some few soft moments for a few chapters. You're gonna have to wait for it to really kick off >:)

Note part 2: also this is like sorta an au/in the future where everything is good now people still want macaques head though soooooo...

Word count: 430

Macaque x M! Tired artist ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now