Soft Touch

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Hah enjoy

It's already been what- a day? With this... monkey in your house just sitting around like it's his own. Things in your fridge are running out way faster and it's ticking you off.. as much as you can be when you're very tired. And now you're sitting on the couch. With macaque.

"Hey, you know you can leave right? No point in staying."

"There's no point in leaving either. Face it, you're stuck with me dewdrop."

Damn it he had a point- wait dewdrop? That's not your name? Why dewdrop?

"What's with the nickname.."

"You should really sleep more dewdrop, you're getting more tired by the day."

"'ve only met me like...yesterday.."

"Says who?"

...he's been here before hasn't he? This monkey is seriously gonna start having issues. However.. you decide just to go back to your room and sleep off it, maybe he'll leave in a week or so.

Soon after entering your room you felt something watching you.. but it's just your imagination right? Nothing important. Soon you go back to your desk and get back to work. Just to get your mind off the monkey on your bed- wait what. You turn around and low and behold. There's macaque.

"Got anything better to do than follow me around?"

"Hm.. no? Plus not like I'm doing anything to ya I could kill you in a heartbeat."

"Hm.. probably not use to physical contact what isn't combat."

"Heh. Excuse me?"

"You seem rather touch starved, are you not?"

You get off your desk. So much for getting back to work. And sit next to the demon.

"If you know I'm not gonna hurt you you're more than welcome to hold my hand.."

Macaque stares at your hand for a moment.. probably wondering if it's a trick or not. But soon enough he holds your hand. After a few seconds you intertwine your fingers with his causing him to hesitate for a moment before locking his fingers with yours .

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He didn't know how to explain how he felt.. warm? Fuzzy? It's something he's never experienced in a long time. You're hands were soft. Very. Soft. He liked the feeling but was confused at the same time.

He thought that you wouldn't like this. That it would disgust you somehow but when he looked up you were smiling, a very tired smile yes but still a smile. He soon was taking in every detail of your face it's looked as soft as your hands felt.

"Macaque, you can stop with the staring.."

He didn't stop staring. Bro. Stop falling in love you simp.

Soon his other hand went up to hold the side of your face. He was right. It felt just as warm as your hand. Any normal person right now would back away but to you it felt comforting and made you even more tired somehow. So you just gave in and leaned into his touch.

You're both simps.

You don't know how long you stayed like that for but probably until you fell asleep which you didn't realise you had done but macaque was still awake. Soon he'd laid you down onto your bed and even tucked you in. He felt like he should do something but didn't know what so he just left to go sit on the couch.

"Such a strange boy... but soft.." he looked at the hand he cradled your head with and held it with his other hand. He flopped on the couch and groaned. He's falling in love isn't he? Only time could tell.

Hahahaha sup I don't even know if this is in character anymore. I think it is but oh well I hope you simps enjoyed :)

Word count:625

Macaque x M! Tired artist ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now