Kenny Flugsly went to bed in his scientific looking bed when he suddenly got a feeling he was being watched. He looked around the laboratory that was both his place of work and his room, in the background he saw it. Him. Black Hat. Just standing there with his green, glowing, shark-like, teeth and shiny, yellow ish, eye next to an equally shiny monocle.
The hat man creeped closer and closer, in a way that was slow but not walking. It was as if he was a mere shadow. He smiled widely, a little bit too wide. As if the jaw should snap if he smiled any wider. Flug shaken with fear to the point of being paralyzed.
The demonic force inched closer until he was on top of him, the devilish force spoke in his evil tone as per usual, "Flug~" He continued, "I'm going to have my way with you~♡"
That is when Kenny suddenly awoke from his nightmare, he looked down to find a "surprise." He groaned to himself as his face palmed against his face without a paper bag to block it. He groaned out loud to himself, "It was just a kiss!"