[22] Opportunities

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Hours Later...

I can't take these shitty feelings. I feel so fucking horrible and I know I deserve it, but then again I don't. It's not my fault and I wish I could just end this all already. I gently lift Michael's unconscious head from my lap and I wish I could move him onto his new bed, but he's way too heavy and built. I just grab all the pillows off the bed and the comforter, then I start pampering him gently. I lift his head and place a pillow directly underneath it, then drape the comforter over him. He looks more comfortable and I smile, but then frown as his face is darkening from the bruises forming. His lips is drizzling blood along with his nose and his scalp gash at the edge of his hairline is open again, bleeding as well.

"Shit." I curse, knowing in order for it not to get infected, I have to clean it now.

I hesitantly leave the room and close his door as I do. Quickly trotting through the hall, I walk down the stairs and ignore Danny lounge out on the couch, flipping channels with a blank expression. I get to the kitchen and look into the fridge, wanting to scream with joy at all of the food, but I simply grab a bag of frozen peas and a lot of napkins. I turn to leave, but freeze as Danny is leaning against the exit with his arms crossed.

"What the hell are you doing?" He growls and I frown at him.

"Helping out someone I care about. Now move out of my fucking way-"

"Or what?" He challenges and I suck in a breath.

"I'll scream this bitch down. I know we have neighbors. Probably some concerned and nosy ass white older ones, so don't test me. I'll keep quiet for my freedom of actions and speech in return. Now fucking MOVE!" I half scream and he takes a small step to the side.

Feel accomplished, I scurry past with a smirk and then climb the stairs. I stop in the bathroom and grab alcohol, cotton balls, wetting them, then get to Michael's room. I open the door and close it again, giving myself some privacy. Kneeling next to his head, I smile as he's so fucking attractive. He's really handsome and it's amazing how I avoided his attempts at sleeping with me earlier in previous years and months.

Now I'd let him do anything to me, without a doubt. It's definitely a plus that we're dating and he's all mine to do whatever and anything with.

I blush at the thought, but settle down as I realize he won't be ready to heat things back up for a while, thanks to stupid Danny and his bitch crew.

They're the hold up.

I start thinking what would have really happened if Danny hadn't came and interrupted us a few days ago.

Who am I kidding? I know exactly where that would've led and I would've let Michael take me all the way.

All the fucking way. I love him.

I lean down after cleaning all of the blood and press gentle kisses to his face, but he doesn't move. He simply lays limp like a dead body and it scares me, but I will stay strong. I place the peas over his entire face and he doesn't even flinch or move from the coldness. He's completely knocked out.

Fuck Danny and his bitches.

I slip under the comforter right into Michael's side and I lay my head on his chest. His heartbeat is slow and steady, and it's all that matters to me right now. That he's still breathing and alive at this party. I really need him, I'd be dead inside if Michael dies on me.


The Next Morning.

"Solana, you need to come and eat." Danny orders as he barged into Michael's room. I removed the peas from Michael's face later on last night after they started to unfreeze, and I place them back in the freezer, giving Michael's face some time to warm back up and for the peas to freeze up again. Now I'm just laying underneath him like I've been doing for the past day now.

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