[24] Caught

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Weeks Later...

"Say ahh."

I try to push Solana away from me as she straddles my waist and runs a hand through my hair, trying to get me to let her feed me like I'm a baby or some shit. Her giggles fill our room and as much as I want to act like I'm annoyed, I can't ignore the fact that she's actually laughing and smiling. I turn my head and watch as she smiled widely while jabbing at the corner of my mouth with a chip.

"Ahh." I say and she giggles louder as I let her place the chip in my mouth, but I bite her finger gently too.

"Michael!" She shrieks and I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Aw I'm sorry baby, let me kiss it."

Her eyes darken slightly before she gives me her finger back. I take a hold of it and never break our eye contact and I kiss her finger tenderly. I feel a shiver roll through her back and then she grabs my face, eagerly forcing a hot kiss onto my mouth. I grip her waist hard and then lay us back onto the bed, then rolling us over so I'm on too.

I break the kiss to admire her beauty, but she quickly wraps her arms around my neck and yanks me back down so we're kissing again. Last time things got this heated between us, we were interrupted and I didn't get to touch her where I wanted to and also where I know she wanted me too as well. I run one of my hands down her waist and sneak past the elastic waistband of her pj shorts.

I chuckle as she realizes what I'm getting at and lift her hips so I can move quicker. Just as I slip past the waistband of her panties, the room door is thrown open and we both completely freeze, turning our heads towards it. One of the idiots is standing there with a look of pure shock on his face, but then he grins and it's a devious one that he could've only learned from Danny.

"Well, well, well. Jackson and Solana have been getting busy? Good thing Danny sent me here to check on you two. I wonder what he will do when he finds out you two have been getting touchy..." He trails off and I grudgingly move my hand from Solana's shorts. She shoves me off her and pleases to the dumbass.

"Please don't say anything. We'll do anything." She croaks, but the guy chuckles.

"Are you fucking serious? Keep a secret for you that may get me kicked out or even killed? Fuck that. Let's go Solana, back into Danny's room you go." Solana shakes her head and back up, but he comes in and snatched her up anyways. I stand up quickly.

"Don't fucking manhandle her like that. If you're going to take her, take her gently. Asshole." I hiss, but he smirks and catch me off guard, punching me in the gut. I kneel slowly down to the ground and feel anger rippling through me as Solana shrieks, followed by a loud slapping sound.

He fucking hit her.

By the time I'm looking up though, he's dragged her out the room and slams the door, locking it. I get up slowly and beat on the door like a maniac. I keep on beating on the door after what feels like ten minutes, until I really work myself up past my anger point. I lift my foot and spartan kick right by the door handle, hearing a rattle. Breathing heavily, I take a hold of the knob and it's loose. I pull on it and the door creaks open, causing me to smile.

"Solana!?" I call and her sobbing voice echoes from the room across the hall. Danny must have switched his basement room with one of the idiots, to be closer to us. I grab the handle and roll my eyes as it's locked.

"Solana, back up!" I shout loud enough to where she can hear me. After waiting a few seconds, I lift my foot and hold onto the door frame for support, then kick really hard a few times. Since I'm kicking from the outside this time, the door goes flying open and Solana rushes up to me, crying even harder than before.

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