[17] Inhuman

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Her eyes look nervous. Distant. She's been so distant and it's all my fault. I should've just stop being that stubborn ass player and said it back. I guess I kinda feel the same way if I always thought about her. I just don't even know anymore. I don't want to say I love her back, not mean it and then hurt her. I'm not even sure what it feels like to love a girl.

So how the hell would I be able to tell if I love her or not?

Simple, I wouldn't be able to.

I suck in a quick painful breath and look up once chains on the door start jingling. I keep completely calm and briefly close my eyes, then I open them as the chains clatter to the ground and soon the door flies open. Daniel comes in with grocery bags in each hand and he kicks the door closed as he walks inside. He scans the place then looks over at me and scowls.

"Oh fucking great, you're not dead yet..." He rolls his eyes and goes over to the kitchen counter, setting the bags on top of it. I watch as he starts taking out food and I sigh out in relief that Solana can eat now.

She's beginning to get thin.

I look up as the floor creaks a little and I see Solana peering around the corner, wondering if she should come in or not. Daniel quickly looks up and smiles excitedly.

"Solana, please come in here babygirl. I have a surprise you. I fixed my stupid mistake and brought you food and snacks. Come here, gorgeous." He speaks gently as if he's talking to an injured animal or a baby. She look hesitant, but soon step out and start walking over slowly. Daniel nods.

"Yes, come on, I got your favorites. I got some Oreos, gummies and orange juice. Some other stuff too, but I stocked up on those just for you." He reached in the bag once she nears closer and pulls out a pack of fruit snack gummies, handing it to her. She reached for them, but he quickly snatched up her arm, dragging her to him. She lets out a small whimper, but ends up slamming against his chest as he strokes her hair.

"Shh, don't be scared. I just want to hold you. I think I deserve that much." He whispers and I furrow my brows.

Is he fucking serious right now? He's gonna act like the most loving kidnapper of all time?

No actually, he's like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Solana looks uncomfortable and he soon lets her go allowing her to stumble away from him. She turns away from him and tears open a pack of gummies, taking out one and then opening it up. She starts eating one by one, but she stops as Danny sighs loudly, then launch into a story.

"Guess who I saw at the store today, Lana?" He pauses as she perks up a little, now interested in what he has to say.

"I saw mom, well your mom. She was shopping for your favorite foods, it's apparently what the therapist told her to do so you being gone wouldn't hurt as much. Man, I felt so bad but it's not like she has to worry, you're perfectly safe here with me." I look at him and he's grinning, leaning against the counter. Solana turns around and all hell breaks loose.

"I'm not perfectly fucking safe here! You fucking killed a guy, Danny! Who's to say you won't kill me too? Huh? How dare you let my mom suffer because of your sick twisted ways! I'm missing out on life and she's suffering because of you! I fucking HATE you!" She screams weakly, but loud enough to get the point across that she's hurt and angry.

Daniel's entire face falls and he strides up to her, but she winds her arm back and snaps it forward, smacking him hard across the face. The sound echoes off the wooden walls and he pause, letting the dizziness of being hit wear off probably. I can't do anything about this moment and it irritates me, cause there's a huge possibility that Danny will come to his senses and hurt Solana.

And I'll just have to lay here on the floor and watch him do it.

"Lana, you're so violent-"

"Fuck you, Danny. You make me sick, and you're fucking disgusting. You're a sick, pathetic, cruel piece of shit and I feel sickened to have ever had any type of history with you." Her voice is low and hard, but Danny doesn't seem affected by it, instead he smirks at her.

"You'll eventually have to get tired of hating me, we're gonna be together for a long time. All of us." He corrects himself and shoots a glare towards me, then keeps talking.

"In a few months I'll be graduating early and we'll be on the move, everyone will soon forget about Solana and Michael. You'll all just be distant memories and soon... nothing." He smiles evilly then reach out and grips Solana by her hair hard. She whimpers, but goes forward and I watch as he shoves his tongue down her throat and feels her up too.

Disgusting bastard.

Solana raises her hands and pushes on his chest, but she's way too weak to get him off of her. I clench my jaw and take a deep calming breath, feeling a million times better as he lets her go. His breathing is heavy and he glance at me, then back at Solana.

"Sorry we had to give Michael that little show. You'll come around though, I promise." He reaches out to touch her again, but she slaps his hand away. He smirks and drops it, then walks away from her and back towards the door.

"Don't you two get too antsy, the school year is almost over, and your old lives will be too." He grins and then walks out the door, closing it. We hear the chain rattle as he puts them back on, then not too long after, a truck starts up and roars off into the distance. I let out a deep breath and sit up, my ribs and body protesting the entire time, but I ignore it.

Solana needs me.

She's crying quietly and she finally sinks to the floor with her back facing me. I crawl over to her and then startle her as I wrap my arms around her. She looks up at me with bloodshot brown eyes.

"Michael, what are you doing? You need to be resting, getting better." She hiccups slightly and I shush her, pulling her into me closer.

"You're more important than my body aches." I murmur lowly. She leans into me and cries harder.

"Why is he doing this to us? It's not humanly right. How can he sleep at night, knowing that he's a kidnapper and a murderer? How could he run into my mom and see how broken she is and not feel guilty?" She asks sadly. I lean my cheek on her head and sigh.

"Some people are just heartless and crazy. They don't have a guilty bone in their body. Daniel is one of those people." She quietly starts to calm down her sobs, then she looks up at me again.

"Maybe that's why he never understood how horrible he was to me during our relationship." She whispers and I nod.

"Probably. People can change, Solana. So whoever you thought he was for the reason you were dating him, he's not that person anymore." I rub her back and she nods.

"I know, I guess I just tried not to see him changing. Maybe he was always this person, I just was too blinded by being wanted to see it. It's so depressing and humiliating to think I once worshipped at his feet." I chuckle lightly and kiss her head, making her stiffen.

"It's okay. We learn from our mistakes, right?" I look down at her, her eyes are sad.



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