Chapter 2

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     Both Y/N and Shrek were starting to get pretty hungry (you dirty mind- not for each other), so they decided to pick up some Wendy's. Shrek ordered 10 chicken tenders, 5 burgers, 15 large fries, 20 sodas, and a mac n cheese bowl. Y/N ordered some ketchup, for she wanted to start eating a bigger meal (she usually had a teaspoon of water!) she is such a skinny queen. They both ate their food, but couldn't take their eyes of one another. *Shrek is just so handsome, he definitely doesn't like me though :(* Y/N thought inside her adorable mind. *I wanna kiss her dumb, tiny, fragile, plump, smexy, gorgeous, loveable, quirky, cute little face until I gobble her up until I have to take a shat in the outhouse :)* Shrek wished. Time passed by, and both were filled up (WITH FOOD YOU DISGUSTING DIRTY MIND).
     Y/N was just about to waddle away, but Shrek grabbed her arm. This caused Y/N's bone to *cRaCkkKkkKKK* "NO Y/N- NOOO"
All voices started to fade off in the distance.
Y/N was feeling faint; she collapsed into Shreks arms. They were always going to be star-crossed lovers. Society couldn't accept their affair. The modern day "Romeo and Juliet."
      Wait...You didn't think this awesome story would end here, did you? Read Chapter 3 to find out what happens next to our poor (actually very rich) Y/N 💕💕

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