Chapter 3

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     Shrek carries Y/N in his beefy arms... Rushing fast to the hospital *This is all my fault! I didn't mean it! My love...* Shrek sobbed quite loudly. Y/N was struggling to get a breath in, but eventually she said "I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-it's ok shreky poo poo. I'm a cheerleader, I'm used to it." Shrek gasped at the sight of Y/N finally responding to him. He wiped his manly tears and proceeded to sing Cheerleader by Omi.
     When they reached the hospital, they had a titanic scene as Y/N was stolen away from the nurses "Take good care of her, or I'll eat you alive" Shrek threatened. "Well tickle my pickle, you're a tough ogre." The nurse responded with a grin. FAST FORWARD 3 HOURS! Y/N came out, but she looked perfectly fine?! "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I have unicorn healing powers that only come to me when I feel true love; that true love is from you... Sussy b-b-b-b-b-b-baka!" Y/N said.
Shrek didn't really care that he was unaware of these powers... He was just happy that Y/N was safe. He cradles her in his arms, but she flinched because of Shreks crusty musty breath. Oh well, that's the price you pay for falling madly in love with a big ogre. At least he has abs <3
Soon, they both drive home on a banana boat (yes a boat, they ended up just walking since it wasn't working on land). Y/N turns away for one second to look at the sky. She soon hears a sound and turns back to look at Shrek, Y/N gasps...

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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