the nice things

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It was early August of 1986, the time in which kids were squandering back to their classes after an eventful summer and new adults were entering business atmospheres or newer, bigger schools. Hawkins was always a quieter buzz when it came to that time - mostly because of their small population. It hadn't fluctuated much in the last two years, only had a little spike after it appeared on the news a bit but a few, frantic families also rushed out of the town as well.

Sophomore year started up for the remainder of the crew in Hawkins. Max, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas remained glued at the hip as their school year began. They had already faced their first year of High School without Eleven and Will, but yet the feeling still was surreal and almost eerie to them as they went another year. Of course they had seen Will, Eleven, Joyce, and Jonathan a few times for the holidays, but slowly their visits became less frequent even during the Summer.

The last time they had seen them was when theyy came over to celebrate at the Wheeler's house for Nancy and even Robin, who had both graduated. Despite the joyous news for the young adults, nothing still quite seemed the same during the three day stay. Will was more quiet and nervous around the boys. Eleven appeared off-put by Mike consistently. Jonathan and Nancy almost seemed as if they walked on ice around each other. It was different and it irked them all, but none of them ever bothered to bring the new atmosphere into conversation either. Robin (and of course her brought along guest, Steve) seemed to be the only ones to liven up the party on the one day and night they stayed.

Speaking of the duo, they were still inseparable. They still worked at the same video store and often took turns driving one another to work whenever they wanted to grab a bite before hand. They hung out with the kids a lot with even Nancy accompanying the group from time-to-time. It was without a doubt that Steve sometimes still had that little smile and taint to his cheeks around the girl, but no one dared to mention it, especially Steve himself.

The boy would start his car and make his way out every morning to either pay a visit to Dustin or pick up Robin before work. It always changed every other day, but sometimes Steve made last minute adjustments with no word. This morning instead of departing to Dustin's house to see the boy before school, he instantly took off deeper into town to see Robin. Dustin had canceled on Steve so he could go to Mike's earlier and prepare with the rest of the gang for school, but still Steve gave Robin no notice. He always supposed she liked his surprise appearances.

Robin lived in a rather rich-apparent neighborhood despite her considering her family low-income. A lot of their money was passed down by their grandma supposedly, which her mom (a greedy witch, Robin often called her) took with little to no hesitation. Her mom would always poke at Steve's hair and exaggerate his qualities to Robin. It was obvious she saw them as a suitable couple, but the two would only drive off and mock her each and every time.

Steve pulled up next to her driveway a little late that he almost thought she would've driven off to grab a bite of her own before work already. Her car was still parked in her driveway though, Steve silently cheering to himself before he honked his horn two, quick times. It was his signal to Robin, a way for her to burst outside before her parents made note of Steve. But then he also noticed her mom's car was gone - she must've been called in early to work. Her dad was most likely passed out still or making himself a big enough for three breakfast. Interesting fella, but Robin adored him no matter what.

Robin didn't walk out her door at all and Steve rose a brow. He rolled his eyes, hopped out his car, and started towards her door while whistling a tune to himself.

And that was when he was nearly scared shitless.

The back, car door of Robin's car burst open, the girl hopping out and slamming it shut behind her. Steve jumped back and nearly tumbled on a loose rock lining the driveway. Robin leaned against the door and watched him adjust himself before she cleared her throat, narrowed her eyes, and gave Steve a rather annoyed look.

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