seven. smile (she adores it)

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Hopefully to be released on ao3 soon :)


The week after that kiss was the most extravagant yet terrifying week of Nancy's life.

Robin and her hadn't seen one another since the kiss, mostly because Robin had extra shifts to work and Nancy was working on setting up interviews to work more officially with journalism. Her plans about college were nearly diminished now - despite her father's disappointment in her decision - but she intended on staying in Hawkins now. Her decision was more so due to her newfound attraction now than anything, but still it felt irreversible to leave Hawkins.

Her mother had finally agreed to help her with financing and saving to buy the Byer's old house. She knew Jonathan would still be irritated by her decision, but Robin's words of advice to her before were right: she needed to make her own decisions. She wanted to move into that place and call it home, even if still marked by bad memories - the good ones were there too.

A full week passed and Robin and Nancy only spoke to one another over the phone. They were the same, hushed conversations they had since Nancy's mom was often in the kitchen, snooping around the corner and injecting herself in conversations sometimes. Nancy could admit that they were just like any conversations they had had before, the topics never strayed or changed. Nancy was hesitant on being more open while others were around, but that didn't stop the butterflies in her stomach.

Robin's voice often became raspier, almost as if she was tired, but soft when she said Nancy's name. Every time she said 'Wheeler' a shiver shot down Nancy's spine and she found herself leaning against the wall as if preventing herself from fainting. She never felt so comfortable and head over heels just over someones voice and the things they talked about before, it was always mainly limited to physical attraction and which ever boy was within arms reach. With Robin, it was easy but new and scary, but she would die if it meant not giving it up. This was something new but special to her. She loved it.

She remembered after the kiss they had held onto each other forever until they could hear Steve inside shouting at people over Robin's whereabouts. Robin had gone in first, but not without another, lingering kiss to which Nancy didn't want to let go of. She watched Robin walk off that night and had to tell herself she was not going to lose her, and when she finally settled, she backed up against the wall and smiled up at the night sky. She waited a few moments after Robin's departure to enter the house again herself, and they spent the rest of the night as they did any other - if you don't count the little glances and smiles they shared when no one was looking.

Nancy had fallen hard for Robin, which was a scary thing to admit, but such a nice thing at the same time.

The excitement of the new day now brought back those memories, as today was the day she would finally be seeing Robin again. Of course Steve, Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Max would be there too, but just the thought of being able to share a look with Robin again made her shiver with delight. She spent that morning in her room, not sprawled over her journalistic works but instead laid on her bed, staring up at the ceiling with the brightest smile glued to her face. She hadn't felt this way since she first kissed Jonathan, and even then it was still rigid and hard to explain, but this was almost easy.

When company finally began to arrive, Mike was rattled by the sight of Nancy right beside her waiting at the door. He gave her awkward, suspicious sideways stares with a little scratch to his head, but Nancy only nodded off or ignored his looks. Perhaps he thought it was for Steve, but she knew what her impatience and excitement was for and that was all that mattered in that moment. She stood there with her hands folded neatly in front of her, shoulders rolling and heels tapping, eyes peeled for any moment.

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