six. cherry (skies & lips)

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Last chapter before season 4 drops so expect further notes like this to probably have spoilers

Good luck Ronancers 🫡


Robin wore that damn charm everywhere, especially alongside her name tag for work. It just fit, and plus it made her smile every time she glimpsed down at it. Steve hadn't taken note of it yet (which thank god for that, she was terrified he would catch this crush in a heartbeat) and she was willing to keep it that way. It made her feel a little luckier and also more aware of her feelings, but as terrifying as they were, they still made her feel like the happiest person on earth.

Today was the day of their graduation party, Robin dressing subtly nicer for the occasion. She didn't have work either, which was a blessing that allowed her to arrive earlier and spend as much time as possible with not only Steve but Nancy as well. As Steve drove them there, she couldn't help but stare at the window as she attempted to hide the cheekiest smile slipped across her face. It felt as if it was ironing itself permanently into place at times, and stripping it away for a quick glance back at Steve almost seemed impossible.

"Excited to officially be out of the hell of Hawkins High?" Steve asked.

Just like she had apprenticed herself to do for years, Robin broke out of her swooning trance and nodded over to Steve. "Can't wait to leave that place in the grave," Robin huffed.

Referring to it as a grave was a little tone-deaf due to the events of the last few years, which she noted quickly, but Steve didn't seem to pick up on that like she did. "You'll want it back after a while," Steve shrugged. "Sometimes I still wish I was the asshole senior of Hawkins High."

"You're lying," Robin sneered in bemusement.

"Nope! I ran that place without even lifting a finger."

"Until Jonathan Byers kicked your ass," Robin pointed out, to which Steve had no argument to but a few, lame excuses.

Jonathan Byers, Robin's fingers dug into her jeans at the reminder of the name. He was a nice guy, but the thought of him made her boil. He was going to be at the party, and it would be the first time he and Nancy interacted face-to-face since before the breakup. Robin was terrified... As if she was going to lose Nancy. It was silly - sillier than any of her average thoughts which were quite ridiculous - but she was genuinely sick to her stomach at the thought.

She touched the charm Nancy had given her, it being neatly attached to the pocket of her jacket. She didn't want to lose Nancy.

They arrived at the Wheeler's house with Joyce's car already in view. Robin hoped arriving the hour earlier she did they would have an hour without the assortment of company, but it wasn't a shock that Joyce insisted on arriving earlier herself. Mike and Will were even outside, the two of them having a quiet, reserved conversation while Max and Dustin waited further away for Robin and Steve's arrival. When the two kids spotted them hop out of the car, they bolted over to them in an instant.

Suddenly, Robin was wrapped into a tight hug by Max, shocking her but also drawing a smile across her face. Max pulled away and appeared as if she were about to mumble an apology for her abrupt behavior, but Robin beat her to speaking.

"Glad you're happy to see me, mad Max," Robin hummed, patting the girl on the shoulder as she addressed her by the nickname.

Dustin and Steve were off to the side of them recreating their new handshake, earning an amused sideways glance from Max and Robin. Then, they heard Mike and Will shout to them as the two boys made their way inside.

"Come on guys! Lucas and Erica may be late but we're all here now!"

Robin followed Steve, Dustin, and Max to the door, entering behind them as they were all automatically greeted by Joyce. She was so friendly and lively, embracing them all with a hug and complimenting their appearance. She addressed Robin with a tight hug and a note on her gorgeous her hair looked, Robin prideful in Joyce's compliments. She was a joy to have around - Robin supposed she really just put the 'joy' in Joyce.

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