Chapter 1

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It was an ordinary day, well normal for a secondary school student in the UK. Rainy, dull and boring. It wasn't hard to tell that not a single soul wanted to be in a classroom at 8.30am. Some were asleep, some were chatting and others were staring into space contemplating if they should drop out or not. Chlo, Sam and Robin were a part of the few talking. Chlo was talking about what had happened at the park on the weekend, but it didn't seem like the other two were really listening.

"Hey! Are you guys even listening to me?" She clicked her fingers in front of the others blank faces.

"What? Oh uh, yeah, we're listening." Sam stuttered out, still in a blurry daze from the early morning. Robin just nodded, not wanting to speak due to his half-asleep state, knowing he'd only manage to mumble something incoherent. The long-haired girl sighed and slumped into her chair.

"I wish the summer break wasn't over, I'd much rather be at home right now." Sam chuckled in response, knowing far too well that Chlo couldn't make a single minute without complaining about something school related. Whether it be complaining about being there, or about the people she'd see daily (excluding her friends of course, well, the good ones). Robin was also in a blurry daze, he was too busy staring at the wall to even realise that Chlo and Sam were having a 'lovely' conversation. That was, of course, before the bell went off indicating that the first class was over. The shrill of the loud wake up call was enough to knock Robin out of his chair, well, almost.


Walking at a quickened pace, Robin rushed to his locker to exchange his books from his previous lesson for the ones for his next. Seeing his locker in sight, he tried to hurry up so that Chlo wouldn't scold him for being 'late'. Late in her books was not being 10 minutes early. He was practically there, almost ready to open his locker door. But obviously he didn't make it to his locker as he had knocked into someone else, causing him to fall over and his books to go everywhere. Some were probably even at the other side of the school, it was that bad of a fall.

"Are you alright? I didn't mean to knock into you, my fault entirely." Robin was quite surprised to see that the other person wasn't as violent as the other people in the school would be if he had bumped into them. It was apparently written all over Robin's face too as the other person chuckled. He looked up to the unknown person, and could've swore he was dreaming. It was like looking at a literal angel and that wasn't even an exaggeration for Robin.

"Are you feeling ok? Your face is a bit red, did you hit your head?" The angel in front of Robin was quite concerned, and it didn't seem fake either. Robin nodded in response before finally managing to get some words out, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Sorry." He looked away in embarrassment before realising that he now has to collect all the books that were scattered across the corridor floor. Almost as if they were reading Robin's mind, the person that he bumped into started to pick up some of the books, willing to help. The unknown angel had picked up most of the books before standing up so he was standing right above Robin. He looked up towards the literal angel to see a hand extended out, offering to help him up. Hesitantly, he reached out and grabbed onto the hand carefully before said hand pulled him up to his feet, catching Robin by surprise.

"I'm Damien by the way." The angel has a name. And it's a great one too.

"I'm Robin." Damien smiled at him, it was a warm kind of smile. Not a malicious one, nor a sarcastic one. Now that Robin was more close to Damien, he could finally see the details up close. He had light brown hair, not too long but not too short. He had slight freckles that could only be seen under a light and up close. He seemed sort of muscular in a way, but Robin wasn't too sure as he was wearing a blazer, and it's not exactly the most revealing clothing.

Damien seemed to be lost in thought too, that was until he heard someone shout his name down the corridor and immediately snapped his hand and him back, his face glazed with a slight tone of pink.

"I should go," He passed Robin the remainder of his fallen books, "It was nice meeting you, Robin. I'll see you around." Robin felt a small pat on his shoulder before seeing that Damien was now walking away. He stood there for a few more seconds before realising that he's most likely going to be late if he daydreams about his encounter with Damien any longer. Opening his locker and exchanging his books, like what he came to do, he ran off down the corridor hoping that Chlo wouldn't be too mad at him.

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