Chapter 3

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Entering the cafeteria in a rush, Chlo felt an uneasy wave flow over her. It stayed almost as if it was a weighted blanket. People crowded the eating space, mostly talking instead of actually eating. That didn't matter to Chlo, all she was focused on was finding the table where her friends presumably were. Spotting one of her friend's dark coiled hair and signature headband, her steps hastened.

"Have you seen Robin at all?" Chlo sat down, worried. It was lunch and she didn't see Robin enter the cafeteria or leave it. It wasn't unusual for him to be alone during this time of day, but that thought never really crossed Chlo's mind. His disappearances became more frequent during this term, and the others didn't really understand why. Yet none of them bothered to ask Robin the question as it either slipped their minds, or thought it was something personal that they shouldn't talk about. The shorter person next to her spoke up,

"Didn't you just have class with him?" Chlo groaned at the curly haired person's response.

"Did you scare him off or something? I mean I wouldn't be surprised, to be honest." Sam spoke up after chugging his strawberry milk, mumbling the last sentence in hope that she wouldn't hear. He only got a groan in response. Chlo didn't mean to scare off Robin, if that was the case, she just wanted Robin to tell her what he was actually doing instead of lying to her. She hates lies, even if it was 'for the best', she still hated them. Better to be honest before the lies get worse and put you into a deeper ditch, she'd always say.

"He probably just went to his locker or something. Don't worry too much, he'll be back soon." A soft hand patted Chlo's shoulder, reassuringly. She smiled,

"Thanks Liz, you always know what to say whenever I'm stressed about Robin's disappearances."

"Lovely moment you guys are having but can we talk about how the school got rid of the banana milk? Like how outrageous is that!" Sam's blabbering had now officially ruined the moment. Well as close to a 'moment' that they could possibly have.


Music flowed through the air, well not literally. It was actually playing through Robin's headphones into his ears right now. But the atmosphere seemed so calming, the music seemed to exist around him instead of playing through a device. He was currently sitting under a tree in the shade, blocking out everything going on in the real world with the help of music. In reality, it was a slightly less miserable day, the weather was nice enough to stay outside for a short period of time before the chances of rain increased. The wind was quite calm but still there, only noticeable for those who had longer hair or spent too long out with little coverage. But Robin didn't focus on those sorts of things. He enjoyed the slightly miserable days, and almost despised the hotter, less common weather. The thought of sticky clothing and sweat grossed him out. He'd rather be slightly more cold and have the perfect breeze dancing around him. His eyes were closed, head leaned back and was just relaxing instead of worrying about awkward interactions or embarrassing moments. Nothing could go wrong. It was just Robin and the music, existing in the same little bubble. He was daydreaming about anything and everything he could possibly think of. It was peaceful, until Robin felt a presence in front of him. Carefully opening his eyes, his stomach dropped seeing who it was towering over him.

"All alone, Ro?"

It was Oliver Jenkins.

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