Part 10

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Author's pov,
It was the time of the afternoon, you were out for a walk in the park, the weather was cloudy and pleasant, light wind was blowing, as you took off your airpods, you heard the satisfying voice of the trees and bushes moving in sync with it. You were walking while humming as your hair moved along with the wind.
As you were walking, you suddenly heard the sound of soft barking which caught you off guard, as you looked down you saw a big fluffy black and white husky, the dog let out tiny "woof" as you stared at it with a confused yet adoring look, since it looked oddly familiar to you, as the dog suddenly jumped on you making you fall, as you giggled holding him in your arms and patting his head, soon the name "neko" came out of your mouth and he licked your cheek happily, making you think "what is mimi's dog doing here?" You checked his collar looking at the address and it was indeed mimi's dog, as you thought "I should probably bring him back to her house" suddenly he jumped from your hands and started walking away after he heard a whistle, you were confused and started running after him saying "WAIT, COME BACK" soon he jumped into the arms of a male figure who was sitting on a bench and was wearing a black hoodie so you didn't see his face and you were panting with your hands on your knees after all the running, Neko looked at you and barked so you went over towards him.

Your pov,
Seeing Neko getting so friendly with other people was very rare so I got curious on seeing who he was, I went over feeling anxious and asked him "May I sit here?" He hummed as the response and I sat down besides him not trying to make things awkward, I stared at him trying to see his face but I couldn't see it clearly, so I asked him being straightforward "Are you related to Mina? Since that's her dog" He took the hood cap off and stared at me with his greenish orbs while saying "It's just me, Y/n". I was shocked I said scratching your neck since it was embarrassing "Leon? I didn't recognize you at first- what were you doing here sitting alone?" It has been 1 week since I have started working with Leon and Haru, he seems to be distant from everything but I see him always caring from a far, his aura gives comfortable peace. I couldn't recognize him probably because he doesn't wear hoodies often. He replied "I like solitude, it's peaceful like this weather" I nodded and smiled lightly as I replied "I agree, I also came here to clear my mind, it's calming" I looked at him while raising my eyebrow, I know he seems distant but for some reason I could see sadness or you can say lost written all over his face as I furrowed my eyebrows and said "Is there something bothering you? I can't help but see emptiness in your eyes, if you want I'm a good listener, I know it's hard opening up emotions, but keeping them to yourself can be a burden, don't you think?" He signed avoiding eye contact and slightly smiled while replying "I appreciate your words and company but that's already enough for me, it's just expectations that got me lost, my emotions are a mess and it's just a headache" I listened to him and at some point I could badly relate to him as I said while putting my hand on his shoulder "I understand your feelings, you have every right to feel what you're feeling, you can't help it, having too many expectations from life or not living to someone else's expectations can really make a person break down into depression when things don't go their way, I know you're struggling right now, but I know you will make it just be true to yourself, like thinking from the way that will benefit you, no it's not selfish, doing something that you enjoy doing will always lead to somewhere good so don't think about it too much" he look at me this time I could finally some light in his eyes and I gave him a hopeful smile as he replied with a look of appreciation on his face "Thank you for listening, I feel better" I replied with proud look "You don't have to thank me, I here for you as your friend" as soon as I said that my phone started ringing.I looked at my phone and saw that mimi was calling, I got up and looked at Leon and said "Well seems like I gotta go now, I'll see you later, take care" I waved at him, then looked at neko while saying "You too neko" as I shooted a kiss at him, he barked happily and walked away chuckling.

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