Chapter 2: Waiting for you.

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[3rd person POV]

Location: New york, Manhattan.
6 months since y/n left sokovia.
Kill count: 250+
Sheild Agents killed: 80+
Current time: 8:00pm

[At the avengers tower.]

The sound of footsteps echoed in the halls as a certain redhead walked to the conference room. When she stepped into the room at the end of the table sat none other than the head of shield. Nick fury.

Nick: "Romanoff. Take a seat."

She complied and sat at the other end of the table while the look on Nick's face grew more serious.

Nick: "agent romanoff. I have a mission that I know you will be more than capable of. In the past six months a man has been on a killing spree. Hes killed just over 250 people, 80 of which were some of sheilds finest agents."

Nat: "and what do you want me to do with him. Kill him?"

Nick: "keep him alive and bring him here"

Natasha nodded along as nick slided her a file.

Nick: "we believe this is him, I need you to go to his apartment its only a few blocks away. Address is in the file."

Nat: "I wont let you down"

She got up to leave and walked towards the door before the sound of nicks voice made her pause for a moment.

Nick: "romanoff wait."

Nat: "sir?"

Nick: "do not get your ass killed. And certainly dont kill his ass. I need that man alive."

Nat: "I wont. Cant make much of a promise about if this guy dies or not."

Nick: "he better be alive when he gets here romanoff"

Nat: "I'll try."

Nick: "Natasha."

Nat: "Fine."

Natasha leaves the room before fury can say another word. She walks outside the tower file in hand and opens up her car door stepping inside the driver's side and reading over the file. Once she got the address she sped off in her car, shortly arriving at her destination. It was an old dirty run down house. The windows were bordered up covering the shattered glass behind it.

Natasha steps out of her car and walks towards the door, her hand on her holster pulling out a pistol and gripping it tightly. She goes to open the door only to find it already open. Nat slowly creaks the door open with her foot placing her other hand on her gun as she walked into the worn down building.

She scanned every room she went in from top to bottom. Nothing but old, dusty torn furniture that looked as if it was older than the building. As she approached the stairs she heard shuffling coming from above. She slowly and quietly walked up the stairs ready to fire at whoever was there only to find emptiness illuminated by moonlight. She walked over to the door closest to her and opened it.

The room was empty, and dimly lit, only slivers of moonlight showing her nothing but a dusty floor. She stepped back out of the room and moved to the next door. Once again she opened it and nothing. Just an empty bathroom but this room looked like it got used recently. Nat tightened her grip on her pistol as she moved to the next door. Opened it only to find it was the same as the first. Empty.

Finally the last door. Her hand reached forward coming into contact with a round dusty doorknob. She twists it and opens the door. Returning her hand to her pistol nat pushes the door open and looks around. Until she spots something. In the corner of the room there was a mattress, with someone lying on it. Nat could only assume this was the man she was here for.

She steps quietly walks to him, until shes at his side she crouches down and examines the mans face making sure it was him. Once she had confirmed this was y/n she pulls the blanket off him and grabs a pair of handcuffs from her belt. And just as shes about to cuff him.. he jolts up grabbing ahold of Nats arms and pinning her to the floor.

Y/n: "you took your time. You know how long I've been waiting for you?"

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