Chapter 5: Truth.

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[Nats apartment]
[3rd person POV]

Y/n collapsed onto the couch as nat locked the door behind her. She turned on the living room lights as y/n groaned covering his eyes.

Y/n: "turn it offff.. too brightttt"

Nat: "grow up would you? It's just some light."

Y/n: "first of all its brighter than the fucking sun! Second of all dont tell me to grow up and 3rd of all-"

Nat: "I'll throw you into the sun if you dont quit whining. Anyway theres food in the fridge help yourself I suppose but dont eat it all."

Nat begins to walk off but y/n stops her.

Y/n: "wheres the bathroom?"

Nat points to the door next to her.

Y/n: "thanks."

Nat: "just dont mess it up."

Y/n: "got it."

Natasha walked away into her bedroom as y/n walked into the bathroom turning the shower on stripping down and stepping in. Once he finished he walked out and wrapped a towel around his waist then sat on the couch when his phone began ringing Inside his duffel  bag.

Y/n opens the bag up pulling out his phone. It was nothing special of course, no fancy iPhone or Samsung just your typical flip phone, a burner phone if you will. He opened his phone to see who was calling and smiled when he saw the contact name on the screen, 'wands :)' he answered the call and put the phone up to his ear.

Y/n: "hey witchy."

Wanda: "well hello to you too y/n/n"

Y/n: "hows everything over there?"

Wanda: "it's okay, it would be better if you were here."

Y/n: "believe me I cant wait to come back, it's quite boring over here"

Wanda: "oh yeah? How so?"

Y/n: "well I havent got my best friends with me. So you can imagine the boredom."

Wanda: "I'd kill for some alone time. Pietro is more annoying than ever"

Suddenly the faint sound of footsteps can be heard as another voice speaks over the phone.

Pietro: "who are you talking to?"

Wanda: "y/n now go away. You can talk to him later."

Pietro: "y/n!!"

Suddenly many noises can be heard before wanda speaks again.

Wanda: "sorry Pietro decided to try and grab the phone"

Pietro: "I wanna talk to y/n nowwww"

Wanda: "Pietro go to your room and play with blocks or something"

Pietro: "ughhhhhhh"

Wanda: "anyway, hows the mission going? Any progress?"

Y/n: "uhm no. Not yet shield hasnt sent her to get me yet so I've just gotta play the waiting game for now."

Wanda: "right. Hopefully they send her soon so you can get this mission  over with. I miss you."

Y/n: "i miss you too wands. I'll be back before you know it I promise."

Wanda: "I've gotta go now y/n but please be safe."

Y/n: "always am"

Wanda: "y/n?"

Y/n: "hm?"

Wanda: "I love you."

Y/n: "love you too witchy."

Wanda: "I'll call you soon okay?"

Y/n: "alright, bye wands"

Wanda: "bye y/n"

The phone let out a small beep noise as wanda hung up. Y/n sighed and put the phone back in his bag. He really did miss her. She was his best friend, and the closest thing he had to family he thought of her as a sister and Pietro as a brother. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. Y/n looked behind  him to see natasha standing there.

Y/n: "how long have you been standing there?"

Nat: "long enough."

Nat sits down on the couch next to y/n

Nat: "you and I need to have a chat."

Y/n: "make it quick."

Nat: "you're dreykovs son right?"

Y/n: "yes. I thought we already clarified that."

Nat: "theres no record of a y/n dreykov, or a y/n l/n legally you dont exist."

Y/n: "well I was going to take over my fathers business one day.  So obviously he didnt want me to have records. So you're right for once. Legally I do not exist. I'm nothing but a legend,  a myth if you will"

Nat: "you were willing to run that horrible place?"

Y/n: "God no. I hated what my father was doing. To be honest I think I've always hated him and I probably always will."

Nat: "Right. Y/n I think i owe you an explanation about that day. And why things happened the way they did."

Y/n: "Go on."

Nat: "well. Another shield agent was sent to kill me because I got onto shields radar in a bad way as you can imagine. The other agent took pity on me and knew I wanted out. So he agreed to help me kill dreykov and free everyone else in the red room However to do that we had to track him down through your sister. And unfortunately we had to blow both of them up."

Y/n: "so the only new information here is the fact that you didnt get killed by someone who was sent to assassinate you and he helped you kill both my father and my sister."

Nat: "if it makes your feel any better. I still have nightmares about what I did that day. Every night I relive it over and over again."

Y/n scoffed at her as she looked at him dead serious.

Y/n: "you're the one who has nightmares about it? She  wasn't even your sister. And you have nightmares? You're unbelievable."

Nat: "I'm trying to give you closure."

Y/n: "there is no closure to give. At the end of the day she's still dead."

Nat: "look I'm trying to explain myself and tell you the truth of why I did what I did because I'm gonna have to be working with you for god knows how long and I'll need you to work with me and I can't do that if I have this cloud of guilt hanging over me"

Y/n: "and I will work with you but as far as the situation goes with you killing my sister I have and always will hate you for it and that cloud of guilt should be there."

Nat just gets up and walks off to her bedroom slamming the door and y/n puts on some old sweatpants in his bag before falling asleep.

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