Chapter 15

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 Richard the prawn stared straight ahead. Through the reinforced glass of the windshield he saw only the dark empty nothingness of space. Empty except that was for the billions of stars dotting the blackness like spilled flour on a blackout blind.

A little red light on the control panel beneath the windshield started to flash like an ant with a tiny torch trying to get Richard's attention. Richard ignored the little red light. The little red light, possibly irked by the Richard's response, flashed a little quicker. Then exploded.

"Is it supposed to do that?" Clamp asked.

Richard didn't answer. Instead, he turned and looked through a side window and stared at the reflection in small rear-facing mirror attached to the outside of the spaceship. It was like the mirrors you get on cars to help drivers reverse. Not sure when you would need to reverse a spaceship though. But then this is a story about a prawn flying a spaceship so I guess anything is possible.

The reflection stared back with big horrible eyes and evilness. Which is something reflections aren't supposed to do in space. But this was no ordinary reflection. No! It was that terror beyond terror! It was Kath Hoolu! And it was growling and gurgling with fury, its huge bony beak covered in a slick, slimy mess of reeking goo.

With the little red light out of action, the spacecraft's ultra hi-tech warning system kicked in. Above the windshield, a small metal door flopped open and out popped a shiny metallic claw attached to a spring. The spring, having never been used before, was a little rusty and just sort of hung there in front Clamp's face. It held a sign: Please Replace Bulb. Clamp swatted the sign out of the way. It sprung back and smacked him in the eye.

[insert pic of 'please replace bulb' sign]

A shadow passed over the top of the spaceship. There was something out there. Something that most definitely shouldn't be. Something other than her mighty awfulness, Kath Hoolu. Richard didn't want to look. But like the old saying goes, curiosity killed the crustacean.

Richard looked.

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