Going on a quest and Viper wolverine

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Maisie: Hmmm, wait, Dennis, I have a plan to show dad your more demon.

Dennis: Yes?

Maisie: We'll go search for one of the other two wands, and you can show my dad you're more demon like the others!

Dennis: Sounds like a good idea, but where can we find one of the other two wands?

Minimus remembers something: Wait, I remember something.

Jenny- Oh great... What now ?

Minimus: Remember you met me in Hyrule Maisie?

Maisie: Yes?

Minimus: There is a legend I saw on the wall, three dragon scales, and an ice temple that contains the ice wand.

Ice Cube- Clever.

Blaze: But how do we get to Hyrule?

Maisie: No problem, wait here *as she went into the castle of the crystal*

4 minutes later, she came back with an amulet that can open the portal to Hyrule*

Maisie: The weaselings' aunt Daisy gave them this so they can come back to Hyrule.

Duncan: Sweet! Then let's go!

Troy: Not me, I'm going on a date with Porsha.

Night- ( Crosses her arms ) I am NOT joining on this. My friends and I have been barely noticed

Scott: You can come with us babe. Please?

Night smirks.

Night- Only if you give me a kiss ginger~

Scott blushes pink. He has never kissed Night before

Scott kisses her*

Night- Mm !

Ice Cube and Samantha: Awwwwww!

Jenny tries to sneak away before Spike notices

Spike: Hey babe, come and join us, you might even see us do a cool dance on this adventure

Jenny- (smirks) Oh really? What's in it for me~

Spike: Our first kiss

Jenny- Awww alright.

Spike leans in but Jenny smirks and pushes him back.

Jenny- You're going to have to earn it.

Spike smirks: Okay

Tito: Okay let's go amigos!

Eva: Sweet!

Troy: Hey, if Dad or Blitz sees me not with you guys, they will ask me where you guys went to.

Tammy- So let them. Gregory is with Melody anyway.

Maisie- Alright then. Oh! Lets ask the Four Boys!

In the lair, Void and the others came bck from wrecking Na'vi as Vexa waits.

Vexa- Daddy?

Void: Yes honey?

Vexa- My Viperwolf Viperine?

Void remembers and seen her with her pups

Void: Look at what your dog has *points*

Vexa gasped

The pups whimpered*

Viperine looks.

Vexa- Viperine... Its me... Vexa

Viperine looks at her, she sniffs her hand, she licks it*

Vexa- You remember me !

Viperine pants*

Smaug sniffs the pups*

The pups look at him

Smaug smiles*

Null: Dad! I have amazing news!

Void- What is it ?

Null: Zone is pregnant!

Void- No way !

Null: I know, I'm going to be a dad someday!

Dark Gaia: Oh good for you! While my daughter is still missing!

Void- Really ?!

Vexa rolls her eyes at him

Dark Gaia: She was supposed to stay in the Earth's core, now she escaped!

Vexa- And you are worried BECAUSE ?

Dark Gaia: Earth is filled with pathetic humans, and muggers! I don't want her to get hurt! The earth is dangerous!

Aku: Well you can also feel the sun, and it didn't hurt you.

Dark Gaia: Touche.

Vexa- And why don't care ? Im like Dad with this

He gasped.

Dark Gaia: How dare you! What if your little one is on the surface on the Earth alone?!

Vexa- Well the joke is on you because I dont HAVE any kids! So I cant feel! Also at least I don't ABANDON my daughter in Earth so she can BECOME a traiter like LUMINA!

Other Bros- Oooh !

Dark Gaia: Oh! Whatever!

Nega Death: Dad! Dad!

Void- What now ?

Vexa- I swear if its about Kelly--!

Nega Death: I checked one of the bubbles in Solaris's room, and I hear they're going to find the ice wand in the planet Hyrule, plus I saw Eva with them.

Void dropped his glass*

Dark Gaia: SHE'S...... WHAT?!?!

Vexa- Aha! See ! In your face Dark Gaia ! Your daughter is a NO GOOD BACKSTABBING TRAITOR !!!

Dark Gaia growls: Oh I'm bringing her back! Send in the titans to get her!

Void: No, even better, Ganon!

Ganon came: Yes dad?

Void: Since your free from your jar prison, you can control the guardians and the divine beasts again.

Ganon: I'm not controlling those stupid divine beasts again, but there is a fifth one I can control...

Vexa is angry

Vexa- Oh Goddamnit!!

Dark Gaia: I won't rest until I bring her back here!

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