The spider ice wolves

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Back with Dark Gaia and Ganon who is controlling the Dragon divine beast, they look for Eva*

Ganon: No sign of her bro.

Dark Gaia: When I get her back, she is staying in the heart of the darkness forever!

Vexa- *On Speaker* She aint worth it!

Dark Gaia: She is worth it! Why didn't I make a son to guard his sister?

Vexa- (Sarcastically) She is not and oh I don't know ! Maybe it's because You WANT her to be like Lumina !

Dark Gaia: No I do not! I don't know why she wants to be good!

Ganon: Bro! Look!

Dark Gaia looks in the far distance and sees Eva flying with Maisie and her friends*

Dark Gaia smirks: Found her, let's go...

Back with the grown ups, they woke up*

Smarty- Alright. Lets get ready to go

Malikai: Right *looks at his phone* Holy moly!

Pentol: What?

Malikai: Muskrat sent me this dance battle video

Arabella-( Grouchy ) Malikai...NOBODY CARES !!!!

Jason: Sis, why did you have to be-

As a spiderweb rope got Arabella*

Arabella- Ahh !

Tigs: Sis!

Arabella- Guys HELP !!!

Morty grabs her sister*

A spiderwolf came out*

Tops: What kind of Spider is that Auntie?!

Daisy- Ice Wolf spiders!

Smarty-(Chuckles) Now thats a good joke name.

Daisg- I know right ?

There were three of them. The first female is black and white with ice blue eyes , One is a male with black fur and amber eyes , the other female is all white with ice blue ryes

Malikai: Oh it's on! *turns into his savage dragon form*

The grown wolves growl before Daisy sees something hiding and whimpering

Malikai growls at them*

Daisy- Malikai , stand down

Malikai looks: Huh?

Savy- Do what she says...

Malikai turns back to normal.

They look and see a small wolf spider cub whimpering

Tops: Awwwww!

Daisy- Its okay. Come on you little guy.

The wolf cub whimpers and shyly comes out before running over to the black and white female who is his mother and nuzzles him

Tigs: Oh, they're protecting their baby

Arabella- Awww their so precious !

Striker cuts the web rope off Arabella*

Arabella- Thank you. Thanks for TRYING MORTY

Morty sighs sadly: Sorry sis

Arabella hugs him*

Arabella- Its okay. I forgive you.

Morty smiles and hugs back before they look at the wolf spiders

Malikai: Hmmm, maybe they can help us

Smarty- Huh ?

Malikai: Listen guys, I'm sorry I growled at you, but maybe you guys can help us find Maisie and the kids *holds Maisie's cloth* This has Maisie's scent on it

Blitzo- Malikai!

Malikai: It's her hankerchief, she dropped it.

Blitzo: Oh, my bad.

The wolf spider sniffs it, she looks at the Lanayru mountain*

Malikai: They're over there!

Chip: But guess who's also heading there!

They see Dark gaia in the far distance with Ganon controlling the dragon divine beast*

Smarty- I better get some overtime for doing this.

Savy: Luckily there is no akuma honey

Ludel: Oh great, we're never gonna make it!

Malikai looks at the spider wolves: Not if we have a ride to get there

They barked confused.

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