Vexa roasts siblings

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Back on Earth*

Blitzo and the grownups made it to the castle

Savy: Hi brother!

Blitzo- Savy sis !

Savy hugs him: What brings you and the others here?

Blitzo- We came to see the horse you got! Becky Apples !

Savy: She's over there at the stable, she is very wild like Spirit

Blitzo- Aww yeah ? We brought horses

Savy: Cool!

Moxxie: Yep

Blitzo- So where is this Becky

Savy: Over there.

Becky angrily neighs*

Lumina: She is not happy.

Becky tries to kick the door down.

Blitzo- Ooh ! A fiery spirit !

Savy: Yep, she really is.

Blitzo- So babe wanna try first ?

Striker: Sure sugar cube.

Becky looks

Striker: Hey girl, you hungry? I got an apple for you *holds the apple*

Becky sniffs it*

Becky takes it and eats it nonchalantly without a neigh or a whinny while glowering cautiously

Lumina: She's still angry.

Blitzo- Savy did say she is war horse

Savy: She really is.

Bill found Lumina*

Bill- Lumina there you are !

Lumina: Hi cousin!

Bill- Okay bad news or good news ?

Lumina: Good news

Bill- Bad news it is.

Lumina glares at his ignorance

Bill- Okay. Void already destroyed Na'Vi into getting the other stone and Dark Gaia daughter is with Maisie

Savy: Dark Gaia has a daughter?

Bill- Yes. He does

Lumina: Good news?

Bill- Well..... I saw Solaris today and he told me to tell you about his new plan

Lumina: Yes?

Bill- Hmm....

Lumina: What's his new plan?

Bill- Hmmm..... He is going to get Eva with Ganon

Lumina: Oh dear.

Savy: Don't tell Blitz, he'll freak out.

They then see Blitzo flown through the air screaming after being kicked by Becky.

Savy: Oh boy.

Lumina: I better tell Ace and the others to help me get the 3rd piece of dad's heart *as she leaves*

Blitzo landed in the mud*

Savy went to him: Having trouble taming Becky bro?

Blitzo- ( Dizzy ) Yepper doo.

Blitzo passes out.

Back in the lair....

Vexa is very annoyed

Dark gaia paces around angry*

Vexa- I cant believe this...

Dark Gaia: When Eva comes back I'm going to ground her! Better yet! I'm going to inject her with evil juice!

Vexa- I dont know WHY you bother with her. She is just like Lumina

Dark Gaia: I want to protect her! The earth is dangerous!

Vexa- If Earth is dangerous WHY DID YOU SENT HER THERE ?!

Dark Gaia: I trapped her in the Earth's core to be safe!

Vexa- ( Mockingly ) Isnt that a little ironic ?

Dark Gaia: What makes you say that?

Vexa- Yeah! I mean she lools almost like Lumina ! I look like the girl version of Daddy ! So what ?! You have a giant eyeball in your mouth !

Dark Gaia gasped: That's my monster form!

Vexa- Tomato TomAto ! Null looks like a tailess salamander !

Null- Huh ?

Vexa- Solaris looks like a floating hawk totem !

Then unbeknownst to her Null Solaris and Dark Gaia , Void , Nega Death , Iblis , Ixis , Mephia , and the others walk down the hall from where they are and listen as they walk up to thrm.

Vexa- The others ? Nega Death looks like New Death and spittor had a baby ! Ixis is pig headed ! Iblis is a solid rock monster ! Void Jr has beady purple eyes ! And MEPHIA IS A TRANSGENDER SIBLING !!!

Void and the other siblings froze in shock . Just when Vexa is about to leave her three other brothers , she is face to face with Void and the other offended siblings.

Vexa- Oh , Goddamnit !

Mephia: You hater!

Void- Vexa you and me talk right now ! Alright ?! 

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