chapter one

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Floofty POV
It's been nearly a week since that first encounter with the journalist, they simply wanted to test their Snaktivator and just so happened to come across the journalist that a few weeks ago was called into the island. It was probably the best they could do for an assistant at the time so they decided to go with it, as they walked away with their newly snakifyed limb, ready for their next stage of their experiment, they overheard the journalist attempt to stop them for an interview. Most of that journalist talking was silenced by the sounds of waves hitting the sand of simmering springs but heard one thing before they went into and locked the door to boiling bay
"H-hey wait! My name is Y/N and-" the rest of that jabbering was blocked by the wooden walls blocking the way and soon heard the journalist walk off. "Hmmm....Y/N huh?......" As they thought of that moment again they realized and shook their head. No, they HAD to stay focused on their work letting out a huff as they looked down at their lower half of their leg or what was their lower half of their leg, simply replaced by a peg leg they found in one of the ships beached and destroyed ashore. And as they went to continue their work they heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice "floofty?"

Y/N pov
They awoke in their hut, and started getting ready for the day. Getting their F/C fur brushed out and put on their F/A (favourite accessory), quickly grabbing their backpack as they walked out the door and breathed in the fresh air and quickly eating and grabbing sauce before heading to simmering springs. They finally got the key they needed to go to boiling bay to look for floofty, they interested them and really wanted to interview them. As they opened the door and pushed it open thoughts ran though their head 'would they recognize me?' but they quickly shook it off, it only been near a week since they frist met and they heard from Snorpy that they were quite the smart grumpous, reassuring themselves again that it was just 4 more grumpouses until the camp was back to normal they went though the now open door.
It was quite relaxing, well if you count being chased and knocked around by paletoss grande's relaxing. They quickly ran to one of the many shipwrecks on shore but as they approached they saw a very familiar grumpous

This is my frist maybe good x reader fic so lemme know how you feel, gonna try updating the best I can
Word count: 451

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