chapter five

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Flooftys POV
I've set up the contraption in the middle of town and went to bring over Y/N, I wasn't sure why but I just rationalized it as wanting them to experience this moment. As I brought them to the middle of town they stared in horror of the machine, I probably should've told them about it on the way but decided that now's the time to do so. "I've borrowed one of my brothers patented 'Grumpinati traps' and made some modifications. Once the device is activated snaks will flow into my open mouth, this triggering my regeneration" "are you really sure this will work?....." they gave me a look that caused a small pang of guilt in me, the truth was that I wasn't too sure of it's regeneration capabilities myself but I didn't want to show my worry and decided to simple it down "I don't, that's what the experiment is for! Now I need you to fill the funnel at the back and then we can begin" as I watched them walk over to the funnel I began thinking about this actually working but soon heard the saw start as I snapped from my thoughts, staring at the incoming saw I decided to look elsewere and take in everything while I can have consciousness but my eyes keeps wandering back to Y/N and her face being a mixture of guilt and worry and I felt that similar pang again but in my chest. I couldn't tell if it was the expression or the potential of death causing that but it's too late to ask now- the saw stopped? I sat up seeing snorpington standing near the button "you put a stop to this nonsense right now!" I got up from the platform I had been previously been laying on, I felt a mixture of emotions rush to me mostly annoyance over my experiment being interrupted but at the same time relief and gratefulness but once again my mouth moved before I could get everything sorted out "Snorpington, here to sabotage my career again?" "SABOTOGE?! I'm trying to save your life!" "Nonsense. if my hypothesis is correct, I will be perfectly fine and I will have advanced medical knowledge by a century." "And if your wrong, you'll be headless! Even after everything you've done j still care about you, floofty." I'd hate to say it but snorpington was right on that but I just kept going. "Don't try to infect me with your cowardice! What you should 'care' about is my work! That is what is truly important!" "You are important! Despite your rampaging ego, the world will go on with or without your experiments." I couldn't process what he said in time before I responded "I would think you, at least would understand. Instead you insist on being a selfish, spineless, slack-jawed baby." I just had to open my mouth didn't I? "See, this is why nobody wants to help you!" Snorpy yelled as they stormed off back to the mill house, I was just stunned that I didn't even notice Y/N come to check on me, snapping out of my thoughts I recollect myself. "It's pitful, isn't it?" I sigh to myself "I can rearrange fibrous tissue with electrostatic waves.... but I can't convince my own brother to help me. My work should stand for itself...I shouldn't need to put much effort into explaining myself. But it dose take effort, with the others it's simple. I can write them off as ignorant, frightened little children but not Snorpy.... I know he's not a coward or a fool witch means that the error is mine. I cannot make myself I lose patience....and give up on understanding and perhaps....that's cowardice on my part...." I looked down for a second before feeling a paw on my shoulder seeing Y/N with a comforting smile and again felt that pang in my chest but it felt strangely good? I sigh realizing it's getting late "you should turn in early tonight...." "What about you floofty?" I stare back at the entrance to the mill house "I have some work to do...." Y/N just nods and leaves to their hut and once I know they're out of sight I head towards were Snorpy went.....

Sorry procrastination had me in a chokehold lol
Word count: 735

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