chapter four

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Flooftys pov
I finished the blueprint on what to change on my brother's 'grumpinati traps' and returned to the tent, soon seeing Y/N approach the tent, snakpack in hand. "I got the snaks..." they said as I was given each one at a time to eat. And once my body was transformed I spoke "Very good, your actually being useful! I have a few more preparations to make the experiment will begin in 24 hours." I turn to go check the blueprint once again when Y/N spoke "Hey uhh floofty?.....I wanted to ask you something.." I look back up from the blueprint, what was it that was so important?
"I uhhh....wanted to ask if you wanted to spend tonight in simmering can be your last day tomorrow....." They had a good point, I thought about it for a bit before speaking  "very well, Ill set up what we need now and I'll see you at simmering springs tonight" and with that I walked off to do what I needed.

(Time skip)

As I waited for floofty to arrive, I zoned out. I thought again at the possibility of this being the last time floofty would come back, that they would see their face again decided to try and make the most of what time can be left,  "hey I'm here, now what do you want?" I snapped out of my thoughts when floofty spoke  "ah right, I uhh...just wanted to talk, you know" they simply nodded and we went off to a spot I picked out that afternoon. And we just started talking about what ever came to mind, the weather, science, past events, then came the question from floofty "so, if you are going home after we make it back to the mainland what are you going to do?" I paused for a second, I haven't thought about that. "I don't really know...just kinda hoping I'd keep my job ya'know?"  "Don't you have family to go back to?"  "My family....isn't the wanted me to be a lawyer, I wanted to be a journalist. We fell out and I haven't spoke with them for a while"
Flooftys POVs
I sat there shocked, they never showed signs for that "I'm sorry about that....." I let out a sigh as we sit in silence for a while "look Y/N, I'm not the best at this 'emotional' thing but I can tell you this. Grumps can't tell you what your dreams are, if the grumpuses in your life are like that and can't accept that you wanna be someone not lining up to their standard, they're better off not being in your life" I saw a small smile appeared on their face "thanks floofty....". We continued talking though the night, when I suddenly felt a weight on my shoulder and turned to see Y/N asleep on their shoulder I felt blush creep on my face for a second  before attempting to wake up Y/N, nope, they were out like a light. I sigh as I got up and slowly brought them back to their hut, I decided to sleep early tonight and as I lay in my bed I remembered what happened that night and nearly wanted to rethink my decision on doing the experiment but it was too late to rethink it now, I sigh to myself as I fall into dreamless sleep.

Word count: 582

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