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Past Truth Bullets

Monokuma File
Bloody Hammer
Ide's Account
Jen's Account
Horiuchi's NG Code
NG Code Violation
Missing Gold Bracelet
Evidence Of A Struggle
Kitchen Knife
Ouchi Fought Back (?)
The eight of them stood in the art room. The scene was as usual. Blood splattered over the easels and floor. The body still remained in the back of the room, sprawled against the wall.

"Chino was right. There was a lot of blood here. That's something to add." Horiuchi said.

>Truth Bullet-Bloodstained Room

"Then let's explore some more." Rano said.

"We can add Ikari's innocence to the evidence as well." Jennifer said, making notes on the notepad Horiuchi had given her.

>Truth Bullet-Ikari's Innocence
>Truth Bullet-Notes of Past Games

"She wasn't the culprit. So that means almost all of us have an alibi, and there's no way Chino could have changed that fast and faked going down the stairs. He would've had to leave the clothes somewhere." Emily said. "So let's add that."

>Truth Bullet-Chino's Testimony/Alibi

"Alright. Now what?" Ide said, scratching his head.

"We explore." Kenjari said.

"Then let's spread out." Ide said, removing the gift he had gotten from Monokuma, a small thin metal pole.

Kenjari nodded, drawing out a kunai dagger that had a crest on it. Kenjari said it was his family crest that was branded into each member upon them reaching the age of thirteen. Kenjari had his on his left shoulder. The faint picture of the dojo was gleaming in the light of the ceiling lights. "Just in case." He said. His gift from Monokuma.

"Damn, you guys are all showy. I left my recipe book back in the kitchen." Emily said.

>Truth Bullet-Horiuchi's Gift
>Truth Bullet-Rano's Gift
>Truth Bullet-Jennifer's Gift
>Truth Bullet-Ide's Gift
>Truth Bullet-Emily's Gift
>Truth Bullet-Kenjari's Gift
>Truth Bullet-Chino's Gift
>Truth Bullet-Ikari's Gift

"Alright. Spread out. Find whatever you can and report it." Jennifer said.

The others nodded and spread out around the room.

"I've got nothing." Chino said.

"Yeah, me neither. Sucks balls." Ide groaned from his segment.

"Babe! I think I got something." Rano said.

The eight all gathered over to the door. Rano pointed to the supplies room. Ide opened the door, and the eight marched in.

Kenjari gestured to another door at the end, and Rano tried it. "Fuck! It's locked."

"Try the key." Kenjari said quietly. The other seven faces shot towards Horiuchi, who snorted. "Alright, alright. Fine. Scooch."

He inserted Yasari's key into the handle and turned it. To his surprise, the lock clicked, and Ide turned the doorknob again. The door opened.

"Oh my god." Ikari said quietly.

"Yeah, nobody expected that." Chino muttered sarcastically.

"So then that means it might be..." Rano began.

"No." Horiuchi said harshly.

"But he might be the m-" Rano began again.

"No." Horiuchi said. "He's dead. Dead and fucking gone. Now can we please move forward?"

Danganronpa Negative: Game Of Despair (A Fanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now