Cigarette and Ashtray

69 17 10

They think they know me well enough,
But all I see is their fake smiles.
Half of me has disappeared.
Now I'm afraid of everything.

Used to be brave many years ago.
I remember how I loved them all.
But it turned out it was a game, -
Choose a cigarette or an ashtray?

Burn yourself and burn another.
Turn into ashes and melt around.
Merge with dirt and become nobody.
Be unnecessary in foreign surroundings.

Collect the remains and cleanse everything.
Become a graveyard for these "things".
Accept and remember their experience.
Throw them away and enjoy your brilliance.

A cigarette or an ashtray?
Who do you want to be?
Choose live and continue to play
Or die and become a memory?

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