
71 17 10

Are you hearing that melody, 
Which my heart is pouring out?
You don't need to have a PhD
To understand what is love.

I am not okay, I am great, but you don't know it. 
And I started this day with a thought of you, my lovely.
I guess you don't even care how I feel. 
But the main thing is that I care, and I will always come to heal. 

I live in captivity of my illusions, 
Where our souls are connected and we're together. 
Someone says I live in my own delusions. 
But little do they know you're my universe forever. 

My heart is pounding harder because this love is filling it. 
Almost can't breathe, almost can't live. 
But, please, just wait a bit,
So you can see this love dissolving me.

Are you hearing that melody, 
Which my heart is pouring out?
You don't need to have a PhD
To understand what is love.

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