Here We Go Again

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"This is bigger than you, Nova and you know it." I scoffed at his words rolling my eyes at the all too familiar speech. This was quiet literally the only thing he ever said to me, it didn't exactly have the same weight to it anymore.

"Yes. So I've heard. It's always 'bigger than me' for the greater good blah blah. Save it. What you don't understand is that I have a normal life too. I have a job, hell, I even have a dog! You can't keep sending me on these chases because of a hunch!"

"Yes, I can. When you are playing dress-up, I'm your boss. As the mayor, I need to protect my citizens. We are their protection. Besides, I could just as easily agree to getting you into FBI custody. The city could use the money and quiet frankly me t-"

"You don't even know my real name. Neither do they. You really aren't in the position to be making threats. So, I'm going home and I will continue to work on my own terms." I waved and within seconds I was out of the window from his office and in my own home relaxing.

Being the hero seemed quite pointless at times. Of course, I had my fair share of so-called criminals to catch, but really, the police could handle them. The only reason I stay is because of a select few who just can't seem to find a new town to harass. I only try to get involved when I'm sure that it's another person with...abilities like myself. It's not as if anyone else was here to defend them, so I had to just grin and bear it.

I peeled off my suit and eye mask giggling at how childish it was then stepped into the shower. Making the transition from hero to civilian was almost euphoric. I knew my day would begin all over again tomorrow but at least for these next 15 minutes, everything was okay. I thought I'd even actually get to watch a movie and relax as a rare treat, but as usual, I heard a crash and the oh-so-familiar screaming that followed it.


I dried off and dressed quickly then went towards the commotion. As soon as I arrived, I looked around grabbing the shoulder of the nearest panicked townsman. I didn't expect to get a lot, but I hoped it'd be something.

"What happened?" I asked looking into his wide eyes. All he managed to do was scream before another crash sounded. "Just...go home." I let go and he ran off into the alley. Not a very wise decision but I had bigger things to worry about.

I walked closer until the familiar electric burning smell assaulted my nose. I should've known. I flew towards it groaning when I saw her cackling while she held an empty car over her head, ready to release.

"Electra!" She froze, her laughter ceasing. "Put it down. Now."

"Yeah? You want me t-" We had danced this dance so many times before, I could already sense the sarcastic edge to her voice, so I spoke again

"Sit it down. On the ground. Gently." She giggled and tossed it carelessly to the ground and turned to me, her purple aura crackling softly around her.

"We meet again, hero. What brings you around?" She asked showing off her bright white teeth. How she had time for dental hygenine was beyond me. I barely had time to use the bathroom in the mornings. Maybe she just really lucky.

"Don't you ever get tired? I mean really, do you sleep??" I asked running my fingers through my damp hair. I deserved a break, and she should want one! She pouted slightly as she lowered back to the ground, her layer of electricity fading. She walked towards me, raising her hands when I tensed.

"Relax, Nova. Two pals can't have a civilized conversation?" She giggled smirking up at me. I sighed

"Considering that A. We aren't pals and B. You're terrorizing the town for absolutely no goddamn reason, I'd say no." Her smirk dropped "what?"

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