Hocus Pocus

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From that day forward things began to increase. She grew angrier. Braver even. Her stunts were bigger. People began to die. And our fights, bloody and disastrous, brought more damage to the city. It had taken such a sharp turn from what it was before. I knew maybe part of it was because of what I said, but surely she couldn't be that upset! What I said was tame compared to what I was thinking! Hell, I've said worse in other fights.

I had only been free from her mess for a few days when the strong smell of fire caught my nose. But of course, not just any fire. Hers. I could smell it all the way from my house which meant it was big.

I had purposely moved as far out of town as I could to escape the noises and unnecessary calls from the mayor. Plus, I was able to get a bigger house than I would there which meant so many security upgrades and additions. Either way, it didn't matter because I still would have to deal with Electra regardless of how far I was.

Reluctantly, I suited up, mentally preparing myself for the disaster ahead then flew into town.

It was horrendous. The worst I've ever seen in all my years of doing this. The entire apartment complex was on fire. People were screaming and crying and burning. The firefighters were working but not nearly fast enough. They were going to die.

"Nova! Thank god. We can't get to the top levels! The entire middle section is engulfed. We were only able to get the first and second floor. I-" I wanted to process what was being said but I couldn't focus. My senses were overloaded with the sounds of every single cry and scream. The helpless calls of children for their mothers, voices begging for help...and worst of all the laughter. I heard her laughing.

"Nova? Nova! Please, there's no time!" I snapped out of it nodding at his words despite not really hearing them, "Do what you can."

I flew to the top busting in one of the windows. The smoke hadn't reached this level yet but they were panicking like mad so they weren't exactly escaping. It made sense, though; There was no way down.

"Everyone get to the roof! Grab as many people as you can and go up!" I ordered, opening every door I could. They seemed to be grateful to have some kind of direction. I could only get through two floors before the smoke started to rise.

I tried to clear the rubble from the stairs but it was no use. I knew the fire had claimed everyone still in the building. There might be hope for those I sent up, but not many others. Possibly no one? I strained my ears for the hope that maybe I was wrong and thank god I heard it. It took a few seconds to come through and it was faint but it was there.

On the 5th floor apartment 42. A girl. No more than 5 locked in the bathroom crying. The door was blocked off at the bottom keeping the smoke from entering, but the surrounding room was pitch black. She wouldn't last much longer.

I stomped down over floor after floor until they broke and I fell through. I was finally there but seeing clear was near impossible- Holding my breath wasn't exactly my forté either. I needed to move quickly so I did, sliding my fingers over the wall until I felt the apartment number. Without wasting another second, I busted in, letting out a relieved breath when I heard the crying get louder. I was here. I made it.

"Hello?! Mommy! Help! I'm here! I'm here!" I went towards the sound grabbing the scorching doorknob. I'd have to heal from that later, but now it just didn't matter.

"Hey, I'm here to help. Everything is gonna be okay. Move away from the door, baby. I'm gonna get you out. You gotta move." She mumbled a small 'okay' so I braced myself and slammed my shoulder against the door blinking wildly at the semi clear air.

I spotted her huddling her knees in the bathtub and frowned at her hysterical sobs.

"Ms. Nova! There's fire! Mommy is gone! I-I'm scared!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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