It was already the time for them all to watch a movie.All of the snacks,movie and everything was already done.As Jirou was about to take the remote Ochaco touch it and float it to the way up as she knew how tall was Jirou."Aww,i didnt know you wanna take the remote.Im sorry but i got it first so... I guess im gonna choose the movie!"She laughed while Jirou sighed trying to calm down."Whatever..."Jirou said then sit next to where Mina and Sero."Uhm... Not this... Not this... Aha!!"Ochaco shouted as she already know what they are going to watch."What the f***?!! I aint gonna watch scary movie!! It was also romance... Uhmm i could agree with that but scary movie was..."Kaminari suddenly trying to tell Ochaco about his opinion."Ugh come on! Its just a movie... Not a real one! Plus your a boy not a girl.I actually didnt wanna watch this.Uhm,just because i thought that romance in a scary movie was so much sweet that is why im choosing this!!"She shouted."Hmm... I guess we could try your taste."Mina then said."Just click on that already!"Bakugou suddenly speak up."Alright!"Ochaco then clicked on the movie.As the movie started she sit next to Bakugou.'I wonder where shitty hair was sitting right now...'Bakugou thought then look around.When he saw Kirishima was sitting next to Deku,he then sighed.'Ugh! I could have sit with him.'Bakugou thought.He then didnt want his girlfriend to sit next to him so he move sitting next to Kirishima."Oh hey Bakubro."Kirishima said while Bakugou rolled his eyes."Why didnt you sit with O-ochaco?"Bakugou let the sound,"tch"out of his mouth first then said,"What? Cant i sit here?"He then asked."Uh... Well of c-course you can."Kirishima said in a nervous voice."Well,good."Bakugou said then look at the tv.'Probably wanted to sit with that rubbish(Deku)!!! Why is he even like Deku he's not even that special.Whatever i dont want him anyway."Ochaco thought rolling her eye looking at Deku.It has been an hour but Bakugou was still feeling relax and didnt even scare all he thinks was about when Kirishima got surprised suddenly hugging Bakugou whole body.'Dammit shitty hair!!'
The movie almost end in about 12 more minutes.Some of them was already asleep and some wasnt.It was almost reaching the ending but it wasnt so much good as what they all thought it was because when the movie was about to end there was the couple kissing so much longer until about 2 minutes.When the scene come Bakugou hand was suddenly covering Kirishima's eyes.'Wasnt this was... B-bakug-gou h-hand?!!!'Kirishima surprised as he saw Bakugou hand was closing his eyes.About time,when the scene ended Bakugou realized he was closing Kirishima's eye straight away.'Ah,shit.'Bakugou then suddenly stand up then walk upstairs to his room."Where are you g-going?"Kirishima asked.Bakugou rolled his eyes than answered him."To my room."He then walk upstairs and lead his way to his room.'Whats wrong with him?'Kirishima sighed."Well im still not gonna go to the bed! Who wanna join me watching some movies again?!!"Mina then asked."*yawns* Well not me...","Yeah me too..."Almost all of them was standing up then went to their own room."Aww.... This is bored..."Mina sighed looking down."Well im still here though."Tokoyami said."You are?!!"Tokoyami smiled then nod."Yeah me too!"Kirishima then joined in."Well just us 4?"Mina asked."I guess yeah."Mina smiled then said,"Well whatever its still good that you guys wanna join."Mina smiled and so do the others.
When the movie end they all was asleep together.Some were on the couch and some on the carpet and some on the small chair.'Ugh!! I cant believe i need to go out just to buy a breakfast for later!!'Suddenly one blondie guy came out from his room then went downstairs.'I dont wanna go out alone there might happen something bad...'Bakugou stop once he think that.'Eh,whatever i dont care.'He then walk towards the out door.He took his phone out then call his sensei."Im going out to buy something."As his sensei pick up his phone call he then said,"Well with who are you going? Dont tell me you are going alone because it was already midnight!"Bakugou sighed then looked at Kirishima."With Kirishima."Aizawa sighed then said,"Alright.Just dont get too long at outside."Aizawa said then off the phone.When Bakugou put his phone back at his pocket,he then walk up to the couch where Kirishima was sleeping."Sh-shitty hair... Wake up.Hey wake up..."Bakugou said trying to woke Kirishima up."Uhh... What do you need Bakubro?'Bakugou sighed."Just get up first then i will tell you."Kirishima sighed then went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth."So, what do you need? And why are you-","Dont ask too many question just follow where i go."Kirishima sighed."Okay..."They then went out while Bakugou was calling the uber."It so cold out here..."Kirishima said."We just came out for a second and now your cold?"Kirishima smiled."Uhm well hahahahahaha you know,i dont like cold pl-"Kirishima stopped looking at Bakugou thet opening his jacket and give it to Kirishima."Well? Wear it! I dont want you to get a cold..."He said in a lower voice."Ah! Th-thank you Bakubro..."Bakugou rolled his eye then started to activate his quirk so he didnt feel much cold.

RomansaWARNING:GAY/LESBIAN Bakukiri -bottom(kiri) -Top(baku) Content=ROMANCE BL/LB Enjoy 🍹 This is just an AU where Ochaco Uraraka is a mean character.So,if you didnt want to read an AU where there is mean Uraraka i suggest you to not click/read this stor...