• Chapter 32 •

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I've known it from the moment that we met. No doubt in my mind where you belong
-Made you feel my love

Third Person's POV

Arjun woke up abruptly when he heard laughter coming from the garden, he naturally assumed somebody was trying to break in. Why they would laugh and divulge their intention, his sleepy brain hadn't worked that part out yet. He grabbed the gun lying on his nightstand and walked towards his balcony, you could see the garden from there. Arjun facepalmed hard when he realised it was his brother and Alisha, he let out a groan, quite forgetting that he held a gun in hand he facepalmed with. Vikrant and Alisha reminded him of himself and his wife. He looked down at the new couple laughing - carefree, so in love yet both of them were painfully unaware. He felt a pang in his heart, he thought of his wife and what they had together. It was so simple and beautiful, some days he'd wake up hoping it was all a dream and Meher was snoring next to him. But he knew that was only wishful thinking, it took him a while but he had finally come to terms with what had happened. In his heart, Arjun knew nobody could ever take Meher's place. She was his one-time love, and he was grateful to have felt and shared that love with her.

"I've got to stop pulling out guns every time I hear sounds, oh wait, that won't work very much in my favour, " Arjun murmured, implying his line of work, He rubbed his aching forehead using his unarmed hand, making his way back into his room.


"Wanna see me naked and got a daddy kink, aren't you full of surprises, Ms Sood." Vikrant mocked, glancing at his side to find a very annoyed Alisha glaring at him. Alisha being restrained by her seatbelt prevented the chances of him incurring serious harm from her side. Talk about being lucky.

"Oh, Bite me, Shergill."

"I'm never saying no to that," Vikrant said, licking his lips, his eyes wandering all over her. That earned Vikrant a slap on his arm, he chuckled at the look on Alisha's face. "Kinky" he muttered under his breath, which, lucky for him, went unheard.


"Who are you texting this late at night?" Alisha asked, mid-bite.

"Just making note of a few things."

"What things?"

"The only way to tame the sassy monster is to feed it." Vikrant recited, the comment was very gracefully accepted and received a flying fork from Alisha's end. Vikrant ducked, laughing at Alisha's antics. Her impeccable aim didn't go unnoticed, he silently prayed for whoever ended up on her wrong side.

" Mhmm" Alisha couldn't help but let out a moan," So fcking good."

Vikrant groaned, willing his blood to find another part of his body, Alisha was going to be the death of him. He decided to distract himself with his phone, surely, he would have tons of messages and emails to check, he's the mafia boss, after all, wait no gold-diamond nexus boss. To his dismay, his phone held no new messages, he cursed faintly. Fuck his employees for respecting his boundaries!

"Why aren't you eating? Put your phone away, Zo." Alisha chastised, "Here try some." They'd ordered some kebabs, and butter chicken with some laccha naans. The sight of these delicacies alone had my mouth watering. Alisha brought a morsel of naan dipped in butter chicken up to Vikrant's mouth who watched her dumbfounded, myriad memories of his mother feeding him when he was running late to college and Bhabhi feeding him her experimental dishes flashed in his mind. They'd been the only people allowed to feed him, after them, it was always him taking care of and feeding Bhai and Dhruv. Somewhere along the line, he'd forgotten all about it, until today.

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