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"Ty!" I called out his name to catch his attention while I started walking in his direction.

At the sound of my voice, he looked up and visibly groaned. My smile widened. Let the chasing games begin.

I hastened my footsteps so I can catch up to his group. When I reached them, I immediately wrapped my arms around his and stood on my tippy toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheeks before he can dart away. He's currently standing at 6'1 and my 5'6 frame is nothing compared to his height, even with heels on.

The guys all hooted around us and I just gave him a sweet smile as he leaned away from me and used the sleeve of his hoodie to wipe away the lipstick stain I left.

You may be wondering how I can just kiss him like this when I'm Mysophobic. To be honest, I don't know either. It looks like he's the only one that I'm immune to. This accidental discovery made me so happy when I first found out, it also made my resolve to make him fall for me stronger.

"How's your break? Are you excited for our last year in high school?" I asked as the group continued walking towards the rooms. Tyler and I have the next class together. Don't ask me how I know, I have my ways.

"I would be overjoyed if you would stop clinging to me Liv." He said grumpily, resigning to his fate of walking to class with me attached to his side.

"If I didn't know you better, I'd think you were serious." I said with a cheeky grin and he sighed.

"Hey Liv, how about you ditch Tyler and just come to me? I know I'm bigger than him, in more ways than one." Jackson said from behind us, suggestively while wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes and turned my back on him, giving him the finger behind my back as we continued walking. I heard the guys all laugh behind me.

"So when does football practice start?" I asked Tyler again in hopes of starting a conversation with him. I thought maybe talking about something that he likes will get the conversation flowing.

"Hmm, Coach mentioned wanting to start training by next week, but nothing's final yet." He replied absent mindedly as he scrolled though his phone.

"Heard the Croswell High's got a new player. Know if he's any good?" I asked again. Croswell High is our biggest comepetition in almost everything. Admittedly they are good, but when it comes to football, our school is the defending champion. Their cheerleading team is also one of the best in the state and if I don't wanna lose face with the alumni, I have to start training as early as now.

I can see his ears perk up at this news.

"Really? I haven't heard about their new player yet, but we also got a newbie. He's good at defense, so that's good for us since that's our weakness in the last season. I think we're pretty invincible this time" He said with a boyish grin, the dimples I love so much making it's appearance again.

"Oh, now that you mentioned it, I remember watching your last game and thinking maybe you could switch Karl with Steven this season. I think Karl is better in defense rather than in offense. Not to mention, he's got some bad blood with Luke last year, so maybe separating them this year will be a good idea." I said. I've gotten myself involved in their games as much as I can, all in hopes of being closer to him.

He mulled over what I said and replied after a few seconds, "Yeah that could work. But I think the defense team really needs Steven, I don't know, maybe we could switch Karl with another person? I'll discuss this with Coach."

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