Chapter 1

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Pairing: Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader (reader has a latina name but no physical descriptions)

Word Count: 1500+

Rating: M for mature - 18+ only! NSFW

Warnings: Just like ao3, "creator chooses not to use warnings." If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you're the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story.

A/N: Thank you everyone for the response and positive vibes from the intro of this series. This is the start of hopefully a great story that everyone will love.

"Estrellita, are you aware of how dangerous Cali is right now? Are you watching the news? People are getting killed everyday over there. Why would you even consider doing this Star?"

While you were enjoying your favorite meal out of frustration you dropped your fork and slowly started to get up from the dinner table. You weren't in the mood to hear opinions, especially from your parents. They just want what's best for you due to the fact that you are their only child. Going into the lion's den was nothing they had expected you to do with your life. Trying to live the American Dream was your parent's goal when they made the decision to leave Cuba in the early 80's. While you were born years upon arrival your parents wanted to make sure you had the best life you possibly could and being that they never approved of this career path they were even more disappointed with the assignment you had taken on. They had pictured you to be a teacher or an accountant but when the day came that you told them you wanted to be a cop no less a CIA agent their plans of sweet serenity went out the window.

"Mami, I am fully aware of everything. But this is my shot to prove to everyone that I can do this."

"Val, you do not need to prove anything to anyone. This is your life we are talking about". You are all me and your mother have. Is this really worth it to you? I know you are hurt by what....."

You stomp on the table out of anger to interrupt your dad from continuing to say the next word that you don't want to hear out of his mouth.

"Papi, this has nothing to do with him. I'm not escaping from pain. I want to do this. I'm going to do it whether you accept it or not."

Having heard enough from their Ted Talk you started to grab your things and head out towards the door. Not wanting to be left with the last words upon reaching the door you stomped your way back to the dining room and with a loud tone you responded back.

"I don't need your opinions or your concerns about this. I have made my final decision on this. Nothing will change my mind. You just don't understand what is at stake here, now if you will excuse me I am heading home and start getting my things aligned because I need to be there in two weeks".

No matter how they felt about the whole situation you weren't in the space to hear it. Full of rage that you want to punch a hole against the wall you slammed the door leaving your parents speechless and wondering if you are in the state of mind to do this after everything you had gone through lately.

They don't get it, they aren't in the field of work I am in.

This is the best thing that can happen to me.

I have to do this.

This could make or break my career.

Slamming the door of the car your glove compartment opens and a small envelope falls to the ground. Lost in translation you grab the envelope and open it. Upon carefully opening it, rage starts running through veins and you explode with the biggest scream that you could let out. Once all your emotions were let out you turned on your car, rolled down the window and without hesitation you threw away the envelope in hand and sped out of your parents driveway.

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