Chapter 3

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Pairing: Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader (reader has a latina name but no physical descriptions)

Overall rating: M for mature themes. 18+ only! NSFW

"Her??" The obnoxious mysterious man from the bakery responded staring back surprised at you.

Raising your hands up not wanting to believe what you were seeing. "I can't believe this shit."

Pondering at the response that you and Javi gave to each other the commissioner interrupts the Battle Royal that was commencing.

"Do you guys know each other?"

"My apologies commissioner, we met a couple of days ago but it doesn't matter."

"Right, well anyways Agent Diaz, I would like for you to meet Agent Javier Peña."

Peña didn't bother to bring out his hand to greet you; he just made a nod without care. He brought his hand back to his neck in frustration and started walking towards the commissioner.

"Commissioner, how do you expect me to work together with Stechner and now this CIA agent who has no knowledge of what is going on right now?" Javier spoke through gritted teeth.

"Officer Diaz was highly recommended by the CIA and has full knowledge of every single case file that involves the Cali Cartel in Miami. She will be a great asset. The CIA and the DEA need to work together on this one. We have the same goal." Javier was shocked by the commissioner's comments.

The meeting was adjourned and everyone went their separate ways. Javier left, stomping to his office and quickly called for Stoddard. He would spend the rest of the day completely ignoring you. As the day went on you started to notice that Stoddard and Javier were going back and forth from a storage room to Javier's office and they were bringing in boxes. Never at any point did Peña ask you for help. You had to take matters into your own hands. One time as they were coming back you asked Stoddard what those boxes were and he replied that they were all paperwork in reference to all the information that involved the Cali Cartel summaries. You quickly went to the storage, grabbed a couple of boxes and spent the rest of the day going over the boxes.

Before you knew it was 7pm and your first day came and went and not the outcome you had expected it to be. Upon looking at the clock you looked around your surroundings and realized that the only ones left were you and Peña, everyone else had left for the day. As rough as your first day was, you had had enough and decided to go home and try to forget everything that had happened. As you were packing up you hear a voice:

"Going home so early?"

Annoyed with his question you didn't want to respond but you were trying to be the better person and gave back an answer.

"Here I thought I was working alone in this office. I didn't know you were here since you barely bothered to speak to me after our introduction."

No response in return. Not shocked about it. Back home you had heard many things about the famous Agent Javier Peña. Yes he might have helped bring down Pablo Escobar but he wasn't an easy catch to work with. Not fathomed by his non-response you finished packing and decided not to say anything to him at all and just leave

As you slowly walked past his office, you turned to see that he was sitting down on a couch surrounded by boxes of files looking what seemed to be irritated. Smoking a cigarette and drinking a small glass of whiskey all you see from frustration by the way he would flip through endless files of paperwork. You realized that you came to DEA for a reason and purpose but you weren't going to allow this Javier Pena guy ruin your chances of succeeding your job. You decided to tell him a smartass comment and walk away. He didn't realize that you were at his office entrance nor did he care that you were. Staring at him in fury you spoke to him with the intention that you would not get a response in return.

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