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Zayn surprising you by coming home from tour for your birthday:

Sitting on the couch thinking about what to do 2 days from now since Zayn wont be here to'll be my 18th birthday...

-----6 hours later and its 7:00

*watching tv when I feel to hands touch my shoulders.*

I jump and are afraid to look back..

""Babe im home""

*thank goodness didnt know who that was*

"Hey Zaynie" I say giggling and through my head back on the couch so im looking at him.

""Hey boo"" he says

*I love my nickname its cute*

"I missed you" I say

""I missed you too"" he says and puts his lips to mine. Its just a slight peck on the lips,but its the first in awhile and im happy

Zayn walks over to our couch and sits. I smile and he pulls me close to him.

""I love you"" he says

"I love you to babe" I say and lay my head on his chest. We watch movies the rest of the night:)

-Can't wait for my birthday,it's going to be amazing:)

******* Hope its good ******* :D

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