Niall for my sista NiallsBaby101♥The boy that I tell everything to♥

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My boyf- wait ex boyfriend now, cheated on me,his name is Brady. I'm really upset...I thought he was the one for me,but I guess I was wrong. Oh well,life goes on.

I called Niall earlier when everything happened,,he said hes coming over...He wasn't happy at all about what Brady did to me. I mean who would? Niall is my bestfriend,and I tell him everything. He tells me everything to. We promised to always be honest with eachother. We hardly ever get mad either,that's good.

There's just one thing I've never told him....I never told him I liked him waitt,love him...I don't want to tell him because he might not feel the same.

~~~~~I get a text from Niall

*Hey Kayshia. I'll be over in about 10 minutes, and I'm bringing something with me:)xx


*Okay, I'll see you then (: xx

______________________________15 minutes later and I get a knock at the door. I run to the door and open it revealing a cute Niall.

''Hey Nialler'' I say smiling

"Hey Kayshia" he says hugging me. I love his hugs:)

''Whatcha got in the bag'' I say pulling away.

"You'll see" he says walking in.

He walks to my kitchen and goes to my silverware drawer and gets out to spoons and goes to the bag taking out 2 tubs of icecream.

He walks over to my couch and sits down.

"Come on" he says smiling.

I go sit down with him on the couch. he hands me a tub of icecream. Its my favorite...Cookies n cream. yummy. He got him Vanilla

''This is my favorite Niall'' I say opening it.

"I know,just something for my favorite girl" he says smiling.

I blush

he laughs at me and opens his icecream

~~~~While eating our ice cream we keep up a conversation.

"So,are you okay about what Brady did" he asks raking his spoon over his Icecream.

''Yea...I like someone else...I have here for a while.'' I say smiling

"Awww who Kayshia" He says smirking.

''I don't want to say.." I say frowning knowing what I just got myself into and I can't get out.

"Oh come on Kay.......Please tell me....I thought we tell eachother everything..."He says eating his ice cream.

I fiddle with my spoon and look at him,hesitating on telling Niall.

"Well?" he says.

''.......Promise if I tell won't freak out or anything...." I ask

"I please tell me." he says putting his icecream on the table infront of us

I nervously and hesitantly say ''...It's you Nialler,I've liked you for awhile...Maybe not even like....I love you....''

He is quiet but then says "Awwww....I lik- love you to.....I always's been you since Zayn introduced me to you..." he says blushing like crazy.

I smile and set my icecream next to his.

~~~~~''Im so glad you feel the same way Ni'' I say smiling.

"Me to, I don't know if you will ever understand exactly how much I love you" he says scooting closer.

~~~~I suddenly feel the urge to kiss him so I do.

He kisses back and sparks fly. The best kiss I've ever had.....Brady never kissed me like this.. I hope we last forever.

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