Louis - Emma

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I hated that I was out here in the middle of the of woods. You and the boys talked me into going camping with you guys for two nights. I hated camping, I hated how we're sleeping in a tent...I'm not that type of girl to go camping out. I liked going shopping and having sleepovers at my house with them NOT this. "Come on Emms! Stop fussing, have fun" Louis smiles " sure we can have some fun" he winks and I rolled my eyes. "Baby Lou stop being dirty" I glared and get up. He laughs and so do the guys. I just look at them and go sit in our tent , zipping it shut. •Thank goodness we only staying two nights here• I think to my self. I have no cell phone reception. All I hear while I'm sitting in our tent is them outside laughing by the campfire, talking about how they heard me and Louis in bed last night before camping. I rolled my eyes, •so embarrassing•. I got up and unzipped the tent walking out. "Can you not stop talking about mine and Louis sex life for 5 minutes?!" I glared crossing my arms. "We're just playing we knew you'd come out here" Louis pulled me over in his lap handing me a s'mores then he kissed my cheek lightly. "I'm sorry" he whispers against my cheek kissing it again. I smiled. "It's alright..don't do it again" I then looked at the guys nodding also

__later that night__

I had so much fun it turns out. They did things I like too. Now I'm laying cuddled up in mine and Louis tent with him sleeping. A couple of hours later and I wake up hearing something outside. I laid quietly ignoring it and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep. As soon as I do, the tent starts shaking and noise. Sounded like a bear and I scream waking Louis up. He held me close not really being scared. I shake scared hiding under Louis arms. I then hear laughing from outside the tent and I glared knowing it was the guys. "Scared much?" Harry smirked and I wiped my eyes. "Guys that was mean" Louis glares with a small chuckle. They only laughed and go back to their tent. Louis rubs my back repeating his movements until I fall asleep again "Goodnight Emma" you whisper and kiss my head

(Hope you liked it :) )

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