Zayn @Mrz_Malik_

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This is deviated to @Mrz_Malik_ . Hope you like it:) let me know what you think !

"I can't believe you cheated on me with that bitch!" I shout at Zayn. I just found out by a text she sent him saying. 'Hey baby, I miss you :( when are you coming over. I wanna cuddle with my sexy man ;)' I know I shouldn't have been nosey and look at the text but I saw 'Ashley' in big words over the screen when it lit up. So I took the chance to look at it when he left his phone on the couch to go to the bathroom.
"What are you talking about?!" He yells already mad when he saw me with his phone. "You know exactly what I'm talking about! Or you wouldn't have gotten mad when I brought it up!" I exclaim and roll my eyes. "I'm mad because you wouldn't trust me enough, that you would go through my phone! I'm not cheating on you" Zayn yells stepping closer to me but I step away from him and shove the phone in his face. "Yeah Zayn. Sure you didn't!" I cry. "I know what this means, you think I'm stupid!" I cry harder and push the phone against his chest him grabbing it and I storm out of the house slamming the door behind me, loudly.

-3 weeks later-
Zayn's POV:
I missed you. I really, really, missed you... I hate what I done and I hate myself for hurting you like I did. I tried calling and texting you, but you never replied. I want to make it up to you. I NEED YOU back in my life.
I couldn't stay home without you any longer and the guys would not shut up. Especially Niall and Harry, telling me how wrong I was for doing this. So I got in my car, all the guys getting in the car also, driving to your place and knock on your door a few times until you open it.
"(Y/N)...Hey..." I say and look at you. "What are you doing here?" She asks looking at me then away from my eyes that are on her.
"I miss you baby..." I sigh. "Don't call me that. You have no right anymore" she says shakily. "Is there anyway I can make it up to you? About how sorry I am about everything..." I hope you would let me say what I need to say

Your POV:
I groan as you talk. I didn't want you here. Of course I wanted you back with me..but I'm afraid you'll hurt me again. "Fine. Whatever it is, make it quick." I state and roll my eyes
He nods. "(Y/N), baby...I'm so sorry about what I did. I have no idea what made me cheat and I know it was wrong...I love you so much and I've probably already ruined everything...I'm just asking for one more chance. I know you probably don't want me in your life and you wanna be a million miles away from me...I only want you and only you, so just one more time? I promise that I'll never ever, ever hurt you again. Your so beautiful and sweet..everything that I could ask for and I know I'm such an asshole..but I'll change...promise. I love you" he finishes and I was speechless. I didn't know what to say or do, so I stay quiet and hug him tightly. "I love you.." I smile and cry lightly as you held me tight in your arms. "I love you too beautiful..." He says softly and I blush. "Wanna go out to dinner? The boys are waiting in the car." And I nod following him to the car

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