It's that easy?!

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Dominic: Wh-

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Dominic: Wh-...I....Nero!!

Nero: Coming!

Nero: Yeah?

Dominic: Did you beat me...with the power of family?

Nero: Power of what?

Dominic: Did you...beat me..with the power of fucking family!!

Nero: Well I mean I ran up the thing and I shouted and my arm and the wings and...yes?

Dominic: What!? So if I just--believed in the power of family or whatever I can gain ultimate power!

Nero: I guess. I mean our powers are tied to our emotions right? So then a strong burst of emotion, plus motivation, will give someone the drive to exceed their limits.

Dominic: I let myself fall into hell for nothing! Son of a bitch!

Nero: I mean you came back.

Dominic: Years of training wasted! GOD. DAMN.

Nero: Look dad it's nothing to flip your lid over. Just go vent and then chill out with your family. ALL of your family.

Dominic:*sigh* Fuck it. I'm fighting Wolverine.

Nero: Wait why?

Dominic: Cause fuck em! And then I'm fighting Deadpool.

Nero: Dad please don't.

Dominic: Too late I already have my sword!

Nero: Oh man...wonder how it's gonna turn out. You know what-- dad wait up! I wanna watch!

Family Book 12Where stories live. Discover now