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chapter sixteen [ trick or treat, freak ]

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chapter sixteen
[ trick or treat, freak ]

school ended and the boys stood with melissa at the payphone who was dialing her fathers number, to ask him about trick or treating again.

the phone rang and rang until she finally heard his voice, "what'd she do now?" he asked, thinking this was the principal.

"it's me dad."

she heard him mumble, "shit." then cleared his throat and sighed, "i know what you're about to ask and the answer is yes, you can go trick or treating with the boys."

melissa turned to the other members of the party and nodded her head with a huge smile. the boys all cheered happily, "thanks dad."

she could sense him smiling through the phone, "no problem, kid. be safe, love you."

"love you too."

the two said goodbye and melissa hung up, turning toward her happy friends, "time to get fat."


melissa, lucas, dustin and mike all met up at mikes house, waiting for will. mel happened to already be at mikes house. she had changed into her costume there that she quickly got from the cabin.

jonathan pulled up with will and melissa watched as the two were in deep conversation then will got out of the car and ran over to the group.

melissa waved at jonathan who waved back and then drove away. thought he was coming with us? mel thought to herself but shrugged the thought away as the group began walking.

the candy awaits.

"trick-or-treat!" the party all said in sync when a woman opened the door.

"well aren't you cute! little exterminators!" the lady awed, placing candy into each of their pillow cases. the boys all looked at each other, not sure if they should correct her or not while melissa tried not to laugh.

but they didn't say anything and walked to the next house. will held up his film camera joyce had given him. he turned it toward melissa as they walked.

he stared in awe at her through the camera. she looked really pretty. she was such a pretty princess leia.

"if i get another 3 musketeers im gonna kill myself." lucas sighed while they walked away from the house.

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