i am captivated by your unearthliness

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i wonder, darling girl, when we kiss, are you addicted to my taste like sweet tobacco, filling up your chest and throat with the breath of marigold blooms and starlight rain?

you are so ethereal, the words that escape from your cherry blossom lips are like breaths of nostalgic sonnets, as if you are giving me back a piece of me lost in the void long ago, filling up the deep caves of my hollowed heart with an ocean spilled over from heaven, i sigh in your bliss

the others fear you like a shooting star across a vacant night sky, a nightingale in a nest of sparrows. sharp words like needles prick your moonlit skin, tracing scars of red thread across your wrists and dewdrops in the crevices of your planetarium eyes. you shimmer above them all like the dust of lost universes, yet you are as tortured as a fallen angel, your heart too big to fit inside such a mortal form

eccentric and insane, a bouquet of wildflowers perfumes the air whenever your laughter echoes in my ears like a forgotten song, sparks of poetry warming my flesh when your fingers twine around mine, the strings of my essence being stroked to make the most beautiful music

you are like a delectable secret just for me, the acrylic paint washing everything around us in shades of crystal wine, the candle in my heart lit by your warmth

my midnight sun
daytime comets
harmony in
the senseless

i am
c a p t i v a t e d
by your
adore me until
time faded to
golden dust 

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