Chapter 12: The Final Game

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I know that Luke and Jackson are going to go to a diffrent university then me but coach said that this other coach said he liked the way we played in the finals and wants us to play against his team. So we got ready in the change room and Jackson gave his pre game speach like always. That gets our team pumped up. Especialy Luke man, he gets crazy sometimes and we call him drunko. We call him drunko cause he acts all weird and he laughs for no reason. He becomes drunko by just laughing to much! Anyways we walked onto the court and these guys were tall. Our big man was a bit shorter and I was so much shorter than the other team. I am the shortest on our team and I make jokes that its because I'm asian. But my coach says "how do you explain Yao Ming then." (By the way Yao Ming is a basketball player and he was asian if you couldnt tell by his name). So we played first quarter and we did AMAZING. The score was 25-18 (we had 25). I had 6 points and 1 assist, Luke had 7 points and 3 assists and Jackson did the best and had 11 points and 7 assists. Second quarter had started and we didnt do as well but we did alright. The score was 47-47. The other coach was looking at us fynny and our coach didnt like it. The game ended and twe won with the score being 75-71. And then we left and the three of us never saw each other again.

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