Episode 19: The Escapist

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They then think of a way to pass this Monster when they get down there. Roger telling them they have a better  Sense of smell, then they do hearing you see that Zombie behind that glass window. "HEY OVER HERE!" Yelled Roger, It didn't look at Roger. Roger takes a Knife and Stabs himself on the arm. everyone was confused and shocked. Roger threw the Bloody Knife into the same Room. The Monster went Straight towards it. They then knew what was happening. Dr. Piper and John said "Water." "Water clears sent?" Asked Roger. Dr. Piper said "Yes, but we can only use a little bit." Roger then poors a Bucket on all themselves. They then hurry up and Use the elevator. They then sneak past this big demolishing creature. They then Run out the door, all 7 of us made it out. I went around the medical center to go back to John's truck. Only for that monster to see me. I told everyone to stay back and run as far as possible. I said to them "I got this." I then slid between this creature's leg, I then climbed onto his leg, and soon as I climbed on its back, it jumped backwards, I'm assuming it trying to kill me, so I Jumped right onto his arm, I got on his shoulder, just for his other arm to almost hit me off but before it even could I jumped on his left hand and then jumped onto his head stabbing it about 5 or 7, or possibly even more for what I'm saying. But He Then drops to his knees and goes down face first. "Holy shit" I said with a HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF. I fell backwards with heavy breathing, I told myself "Thank the lord." I then ran outside and Seen something more crazier then that thing I just fought...

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