Episode 6: Day 5: The Keys

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I finally talked to John, he told me to wait at night and see if it's safe, Or if there's more creature's or biter's among us. There were I swear I think I pissed myself. There was this Creature we call them Nightmares I think there Greenish Red, Really Hard to Explain but they run up to you and start swinging there sharp medal nail things, They look like there from a Science Lab, That or I could be hallucinating. Now Imma head back to bed. It is currently 2:29 a.m. in the morning. The nights get more scary every single night I sleep, Its hard to sleep when you feel like somethings always watching you. The next morning I got a disturbance on my walkie talkie, and a Scientist told me "hey is someone out there we have important information." I talked back and said "hey, hello this is Roger Goodell, I'm alive and I maybe infected, but the importance is that I've been Bitten for 42 days, only one sign of Me being infected is I keep getting headaches, but I haven't turned yet." "That is nearly impossible, Come meet me at the Tower near the city in Muhlenberg" said the doctor.

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