Episode 10: "uranium-235"

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The bandit wakes up and Roger asks "So who sent you?" The bandit says "fuck you" Roger takes his Machete out and Stabs his leg out and asks "WHO SENT YOU!?" "DR. LEXUS!"
Roger then takes the Machete out and Starts to heal the Wound, and The bandit asks "Why aren't you gonna kill me" "just because I murder those 2 in self defense doesn't mean I should kill you, You helped me, and I shouldn't kill you so I'm returning the favor." The Bandit says "Thank You", and The Bandit asks "So what are you doing next" "well I was trying to figure out who could help me figure out why I'm immune so now the government, Rais' thugs, and the Doctors want My ass" Roger Replies. "Well I'm gone, here's a walkie talkie, my channel 322, If you need me" "Ok thanks the bandit Replied." Roger then bashes into the hospital with his buggy and Runs Dr. Lexus into a Wall. Roger says to a Doctor who helped him before, He says "She tried to get me Killed!, She did, I almost died because of her." The doctors said Ok, do you got the Uranium-345?, Roger then said "Yes but that's all I'm getting for you!."

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