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Eun-bi POV

One month has passed, and it is time for us to graduate from college also, Jaehyun and Sana are going to get married. 

"Let go, FBI academy, here I come," Scoup said. "How is the training going?"

"I'm applying to the FBI tech analysis academy; I'm close to graduating from that," I said. "Scoup, you will be a great FBI chief unit." We sat in our sit, waiting to get our diplomas. It is nice to have someone who is also getting a certificate in criminal investigation.

"Two students are getting criminal investigation," the principal said. "Scoup and Eun-bi, please come up to the stage." We walked up together, receiving our criminal investigation diploma. Also, Sana got her rank one medal.

"Well, look at you, FBI trainees graduated from college," TC said. "Let's take a picture, memories of our youngest trainees." We took a picture; they couldn't attend our party due to work so we went by ourselves.

"I got something for you," Wonwoo said. When I opened the box it was a cat, I always wanted a cat, and my dream came true.

"Thank you, Wonwoo," I said, hugging him. We arrived at the beach; Wonwoo told their driver to bring the cat back to his house so the maid could care for it. "It feels so nice to come here; Wonwoo, you are the best."

Wonwoo POV

She looks thrilled, but it will be sad if Eun-bi moves away to the FBI academy; I watch her play around in the water Scoup dog. It was time for her to relax.

"Should we go somewhere before you finish your FBI training?" Mingyu ask. "Eun-bi will relax you before hard work."

"No, I need to be healthy for the actual work in the FBI," she said. "It is getting let go to my apartment; we can party. Jun and The8, see you later, have fun with your parent."

"I'm sorry for not coming, but you are right family is important after our graduation," The8 and Jun said together. DK chose a scary movie he jumped the most; it is so funny how he gets scared easily.

"Dk, you know that scary movie scares you, but why did you watch it?" Eun-bi ask. "Do you want to see my apartment near the FBI  headquarters?" I was shocked about her apartment; she offered everyone their bedroom for tonight.

"In the future, you can come and visit me anytime," she said. "Make yourself at home." We continued watching a movie and falling asleep together; it was the peace I wish this moment would last forever.

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