Ch.3 Him

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(Y/n) was jogging on a small trail through the woods. Lost in her thoughts and dodging a low branch every now and then. 'Did I bring my headphones?' She stopped and felt the side of her hip and her hand brushing over the small familiar lump. Slipping her headphone case out of her pocket and opening it to reveal her ear buds. Placing them in her ears nice and snug. She connected her phone to them and picked her running play list. Placing her phone back in her side pocket, going back to jogging through the woods.

  She got closer to an opening in the woods and slowed down. Emerging from the woods into the opening, she stopped and looked around. It was a beautiful pond the reflected the full moon up above. Flowers bloomed in the moon light, close to the edge of the pond. They were beautiful and sat undisturbed by the water. A few fish jumped in the water causing rings in the water. A field close by that also had more beautiful flowers blooming. 

  Taking a seat close to the water, taking a break and to catch her breath. She used the water as a mirror as she fixed her ponytail. Leaning back and looked up at the sky, a soft smile tug at her lips. Complete peace and silence other than the music still blasting in her ears.

  A twig snaped, leaves crunched, and the birds got quiet. All of which (Y/n) did not hear due to her headphones. 

  Leaning back and propped on her arms as her legs extended out in front of her. Head leaning back facing up towards the sky with her eyes closed. Humming the tune that was playing in her ears. Oblivious to the guy walking up beside her. He listened to her hum as his eye traced her figure. The hums sounded sweet and soft. His dangerous eyes locked on her, his prey. 'You have no guard up and I could do anything I want easily.' He smirked at the thought. He leaned forward while squatting slightly, reached forward and poked her cheek.

  (Y/n) opened her eyes and quickly sat up straight, looking to the side of where the poke came from. A sigh of relief when she saw Yuji. Taking her headphones out and turning her music off. Placing the ear buds back in their case in her pocket. "Gave me a scare. I didn't know who would be out here at this time." She said as she stood up and looked at Yuji. He didn't say anything, just looked at him. He had a dangerous looking smirk on his face. Something seemed off. (Y/n) tilted her head in confusion, "Yuji? Are you ok?" (Y/n) took a step closer to him to get a closer look at his face. "When did you get these marks on your face? What are these marks?" She reached up to touch his face, gently caressing his cheek. She softly rubbed her thumb across the markings on his face.

  He grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to him, their noses only a few inches apart. "Did no one tell you about this kid?" The voice was not Yuji's voice. He laughed a deep laugh and looked at (Y/n)'s confused look. "I'm Sukuna. King of Curses. This kid is my vessel. I'm a bit surprised no one told you, or hell you didn't even know about it." Sukuna grinned at the terror on her face. He loved that look and leaned closer to her face. Now only a few centimeters from her face. "(Y/n) was it?" She stood there shocked and her mind racing. No words could form, no thoughts, just frozen in fear. "Speak woman!" He barked at her, making her flinch and nod quickly. 

   "I saw your training with Megumi. Pretty good and," He let go of her arm. Standing up to look down at her. His eyes scanning her again, making her feel exposed. "Interesting, Bunny." She Squinted at him and tilted her head. 'Did he just call me bunny?' 

  "Excuse me?" (Y/n) said. He looked away to the woods and back at her. "Of course he would." Sukuna had a look of displeasure on his face. "Always ruining my fun." Sukuna looks back at the small girl. "I look forward to meeting you again, Bunny." He smirked at her before disappearing into the woods quickly. 

   "(Y/n)? What are you doing all the way out here?" She turned her head to the voice. "I couldn't sleep and needed some fresh air. Did I break any of the rules?" The male smiled sweetly at her. "No, you're fine. It's just really early in the morning. But you are pretty far from the school." She rubbed the back of her neck. "I didn't notice how far I had gone. I'm sorry. But what are you doing out here this early, Gojo?" He looked to the sky, "I also, couldn't sleep." He looked back at the girl. "Let's head back. Everyone will be waking up soon." Gojo turned on his heels and walked back into the woods. (Y/n) jogged to catch up with him and followed him back to the school. 

   "Gojo?" He hummed in response. "About Yuji, what are those extra marks on him under his eyes." She needed to hear it from someone else. Was it true or was Yuji pulling some sick prank on the new girl. "Megumi didn't tell you? Interesting." Gojo stopped abruptly almost making (Y/n) bump into him. 

  The morning air was cool, the sun peaking up slowly. The sunrise was beautiful this early in the morning. The birds chirping and the fresh dew air. "Yuji is the vessel for the King of Curses. Sukuna. Yuji can pretty much control Sukuna. He doesn't let Sukuna take over much. Everyone forgets about it sometimes. He's no threat though." Gojo turned and smiled at (Y/n) "What makes you ask anyways?" "I was just curious and didn't know if it was ok to ask." She lied. She didn't know if it would cause Yuji trouble if Gojo found out that Sukuna took over and was out roaming. 

  Gojo nodded and turned back around to continue his walk with (Y/n) following closely behind him. 'Oh (y/n). To lie to me, that kind of hurts.' Gojo thought. With him lost in thought, (Y/n) was also lost in her own thoughts. 'Why did Fushi not tell me? Why did Sukuna call me bunny?'

  They approached the school and Gojo waved at her as she walked to her dorm. "I'll see you in a little while, (Y/n)" Gojo flashed his famous smile at her. She waved and smiled back to her teacher. Turning around she headed back inside to her room. Getting things ready for a quick shower and to start the day.

  "(Y/n)!" She turned her head to see her classmates approaching her. Yuji running towards her as the other two trailed behind him. "Goodmorning guys." She smiled at them. Megumi nodded to her and Nobara smiled. "Ready to go eat some breakfast?" "I'm starving." (Y/n) replied.

    They sat down to eat and Megumi noticed the small girl sitting closer to him than normal. "What's the matter (Y/n)?" He looked at her and she shook her head. "Nothing Fushi." She smiled at him and took another bite of her food. "I guess we will talk about it later then." He said before taking another bite of his food. "It's nothing, really Fushi." She said but not looking at him this time. "Alright, whatever you say." He mumbled. 

  (Y/n) looked at Yuji and couldn't help but feel a little scared of him now. Yuji looked at the girl and smiled at her. 'This is ridiculous. He's in control. Nothing to worry about.' She took another bite of her breakfast finishing it. "What are we doing today?" She asked the other three as they threw away their trash. "That's a good question (Y/n) and I'm happy you asked." They looked over at Gojo standing in the door way. "We are heading out into town today to clean up some curses." He smiled and turned on his heels walking away. "We will leave in fifteen minutes. Go get ready and meet me at the gates." 

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